Supervisors table request to rescind motion to add Makee Manor to National Registry of Historic Places

by Bob Beach

During its regular meeting Monday, October 7 the Allamakee County Board of Supervisors met with Allamakee County Attorney Jill Kistler, who asked the Board to rescind its motion last week to move forward with the process to add Makee Manor to the National Registry of Historic Places. Kistler said that she would like to have time to review what limitations on future uses of the property may be imposed by being listed on the registry.
Real estate developer Jack Sweeney said that he has been in contact with a prospective buyer who would be interested in the grant funding for renovations that could become available if the property were listed on the Registry. Marcia Rush, representing the Allamakee Historic Preservation Committee, said that the process to add the property to the Registry would take at least a year and a half and that the County or any potential new owner of the property could withdraw the application at any time, adding that even after the property is added to the registry, it could be removed at any time as long as no grant funding is awarded.
Chairman Larry Schellhammer pointed out that, one way or another, the disposition of the property, as far as the County is concerned, will likely be resolved long before the application process for the Historic Registry is complete. The Board voted to table action on Kistler's request.
The Board also met with Allamakee County Solid Waste Director Dave Mooney, who presented the Board with the solid waste department's comprehensive plan. Mooney said that by law, the plan must be updated every five years. He explained that solid waste departments across the state are required to show 25% less solid waste disposal compared to 1988 when the law was originally enacted and that Allamakee County has exceeded that requirement by 10%. He added that Allamakee County has a number of waste and recycling programs that are working well and that the only thing currently missing from the services available is disposal of hazardous household waste.
In other business, the Board held a public hearing on amendments to the County's budget for fiscal year 2014. Hearing no comments from the public, the Board closed the public hearing and adopted the amended budget and appropriations. The Board also set Monday, October 21 at 9:15 a.m. as the date and time for a public hearing on amendments to the County's 911 ordinance that would make it consistent with the County's zoning ordinance.
