Three area young ladies vying for crown of 2013 Allamakee County Dairy Princess

Brittany Johnson is the 17-year-old daughter of Rob and Lynn Johnson of rural Waukon. She will graduate from Waukon High School in May of this year.
She is employed at Hanson Hilltop Farms LLC, where they milk 136 Holstein cows twice a day in a double-ten parabone parlor. She has been active in dairy farming since she was old enough to walk, from playing with the baby kittens and the baby calves, feeding the baby calves, and being a Junior Dairy Ambassador. She now milks cows and feeds calves.
Brittany has been showing dairy cattle since she was three years old, and she has received many ribbons and trophies at various levels of competition.  She has shown at the Iowa State Fair the last four years, where she has received many ribbons.
At Waukon High School she participates in Future Farmers of America (FFA), Dollars for Scholars, track and softball. She has been a member of the Little Switzerland FFA chapter since she was a freshman in high school.
Brittany has been a member of the Elon PMC 4-H club since she was nine years old. She has held various offices within her club and has been on the 4-H County Council.
Brittany has helped with various activities at Old West Paint Creek Lutheran Church, including assisting with bible school and youth group. In her spare time, Brittany enjoys hanging out with her family and friends, shopping, playing softball and kickball, and watching movies.
Brittany’s future plans are to attend Northeast Iowa Community College to pursue a degree in Ag Business. Brittany is sponsored by Allamakee DHIA.

Holly Smith, age 18, is the daughter of Mike and Stacy Beardmore of Waukon and Jerry Smith of Idaho. She is currently a senior at Waukon High School and plans to graduate in May.
Holly has been a member of the Little Switzerland Future Farmers of America (FFA) chapter at Waukon High School for four years. During this time she has earned her Greenhand Degree and also her Chapter Degree. She also earned the “Most Fruit Sold” award. Holly also has worked with the FFA at wrestling meets in the concession stand. She was crowned the Corn Day Junior Queen in 2000.
For the last seven and a half years, Holly has been employed by Danny and Cassie Regan at D.C. Regan Farm. They currently milk about 200 head in a double-12 parlor. Her duties on the farm include feeding calves and milking cows. Every other weekend Holly also works Saturday and Sunday mornings.  In the summer, Holly occasionally works in the field picking up sticks and rocks.
In her free time, Holly enjoys hanging out with family and friends. In the winter she likes going snowmobiling and sledding with her family. In the summer Holly loves to go swimming and tubing with family and friends. She also likes to hunt, fish, camp, boat and go four-wheeling.
In the fall, Holly plans to attend Northeast Iowa Community College to become a Large Animal Veterinary Technician.  After graduating Holly would like to find a job in the Waukon area so she can still be close to her family. Throughout college Holly plans to work at the farm part-time. Holly is sponsored by Danny and Cassie Regan.

Seventeen-year-old Caitlin Troendle is the daughter of Kim and Brad Yohe of Waterville and Glenn Troendle and Brenda Noel of rural Harpers Ferry. She is currently a senior at Waukon High School and her future plans are to attend Northeast Iowa Community College in Calmar possibly majoring in the Administrative Assistant program with a minor in Fire Science.
Caitlin has been employed as a part-time employee at Darrell and Amy Troendle Farms since 2010. Presently they milk 120 Holsteins twice daily.  Caitlin’s duties consist of p.m. milkings, feeding calves, and other miscellaneous chores around the farm. She currently takes on the position of being a relief worker for Troendle Farms.
Caitlin currently works for Harlan and Carole Yohe, where she milks part-time. They presently milk 375 dairy goats in a swing-10 parlor. Caitlin’s duties consist of milking, and feeding the dairy goats and kids. Caitlin also had the great experience of milking as a relief worker for Gibbs Family Dairy.
Caitlin is an active member in her 4-H club, where she has held offices such as reporter, treasurer, secretary and president. While in 4-H, Caitlin has received many ribbons and trophies with various projects. She credits the 4-H program with teaching her leadership and communication skills.
While participating in Future Farmers of America (FFA) at Waukon High School, she has been involved in many contests over the past years, her favorite being on the Conduct of Meetings team for two years and Ag Sales. She has received her Greenhand Degree and Chapter Degree. In 2012 she received the Equine Science Entrepreneurship award at the annual FFA banquet.
Caitlin is currently a member of the Waterville Fire and Rescue Department, where she has served for two years as a Junior Fire Fighter. She cannot wait to become a full-fledged member of the department when she turns 18 years of age.
In Caitlin’s free time she loves riding her horse and being in partnership with her father and sister owning a Black Angus beef herd operation. She also loves being outdoors and working on the farm. In the summer Caitlin can be found on the softball diamond where she plays for the Waukon Indians. Her sponsor is Waukon Veterinary Service.
