Warmer weather not always pleasant

The warmer temperatures that brought an abundance of melting to the Allamakee County area earlier this week did not always result in warm, pleasant thoughts, as evidenced in the photo at right. A vehicle parked behind the Waukon City Club, both of which are owned by Vicki and Brad Bloxham of Waukon, suffered heavy damage to its back end Monday afternoon, February 14 when sheets of ice approximately 10-12 inches thick were loosened enough by the warm temperatures to slide off the back roof of the Waukon City Club building and plummeted the two-story distance to where they are pictured, damaging the Bloxhams' car and the back screen door of the Waukon City Club (at right in photo), as well as tearing down telephone wires (also seen dangling in the photo) and disrupting telephone service in the immediate area for several hours. Even after their destructive fall, some of the ice chunks remained in blocks that were two to three feet in width and had to be removed by skid loader. One of the larger chunks disposed of itself in a dumpster, although not properly, as the dumpster was labeled for cardboard and office paper only.
