Waukon City Council addresses short agenda during regular meeting Monday

by Dwight Jones

The Waukon City Council met in regular session the evening of Monday, August 20 to address a relatively short ten-item Regular Business agenda. The full council was in attendance.
Before addressing the agenda, Police Chief Clark Bollman spoke under Departmental Reports informing the Council that the two used squad cars that had been ordered some time ago were finally delivered and appeared to be in good condition. The Council later approved payment for the squad cars.
Moving on to Regular Business, Attorney Dale Putnam spoke on behalf of Luana Savings Bank regarding the ongoing discussion between his party and the City for sewer needs at a property owned by the bank at 334 Eighth Street NW. There is a sewer line in the vicinity, owned by the Bresnahan family, that the City is currently working to acquire via condemnation.
However, Putnam explained that the bank has been dealing with this issue for two years and is unable to sell the property until it is resolved, and was asking for assistance, preferably to allow them to hook up to the Bresnahan line before the condemnation was completed. City Attorney Jim Garrett explained that the City had no right to allow such a hook-up.
Councilman Joe Cunningham expressed his support of Garrett’s stance and explained that he felt that the Council had been working towards a resolution but these matters take time. Dave Schultz with Luana Savings Bank then directed some heated words towards Cunningham, which were followed by the Council voting to not allow the hook-up to the line without prior approval from the Bresnahans.
The Council then approved an agreement with TeKippe Engineering to award them the civil design work (anything not building-related, including parking lot, drainage, etc.) for the Robey Memorial Library expansion project.
Bollman then gave the Council information regarding some concerns with the Police Department building, specifically regarding a possible mold issue at the site. A lengthy discussion then took place regarding a variety of issues, including the overall condition of the building, how much, if any, money should be put into it, a possible interim location should the City decide to move the police from the current building, etc. The Council then approved the hiring of a local contractor to assess the situation and give suggestions, along with the hiring of a professional cleaning service to come in and address a mold issue should one be confirmed.
Following a short discussion, the meeting was adjourned.
