Waukon City Council conducts regular session despite member, mayor absences

by Dwight Jones

When the Waukon City Council met Monday, August 6, it was two councilmen and one mayor short but still held its regular scheduled meeting, addressing a short, 13-item Regular Business agenda. Councilmen Joe Cunningham and Steve Wiedner, along with Mayor Loren Beneke, were all absent. Mayor Pro-tem Trent Mitchell conducted the meeting in Beneke’s absence.
The first item addressed approval of the contract with Gardner Architecture for the upcoming expansion at Robey Memorial Library in Waukon. The Council approved the contract pending the Library Board’s approval of the same.
Next, City Attorney Jim Garrett addressed a small parcel of land that had been included in a purchase agreement between the City and Kitchen Krafts. However, Kitchen Krafts has had a change in plans and is not currently looking to build as previously expected, so the Council agreed to deed the small parcel to Waukon Economic Development.
Moving on, the Council addressed a written request from David and Veronica Olson for relief from a high water bill due to a leak. The City has a policy in place that requires that the bill be a minimum five times over “normal”, which the Olsons qualified for. After discussion, the Council agreed to reduce their bill by $144 per the policy and in line with other reductions that have been allowed the past few years.
The Council then appointed Mitchell as the City’s representative to the Driftless Area Scenic Byway Board.
City Attorney Garrett updated the Council on the proposed condemnation of a privately-owned sewer line owned by the Mary Bresnahan family. Two bids had been received from companies to do an appraisal of the value of the line, with the bid being awarded to Hertz Appraisal Services in the amount of $6,000.
A subdivision plat for Waukon Feed Ranch was then approved which will allow them to sell the building on the front of their lot on Ninth Street SW.
Two variances were approved by the Council, one for Ramon Wickett and another for Jay Duffy.
The Council then discussed large “flag signs” which are not currently addressed in the city ordinance. Zoning Administrator Al Lyon explained that one downtown business was currently using such a sign and the Council instructed Lyon to ask the business owner to have it removed.
The Council then performed its bi-annual investment policy review and approved it with no suggested changes.
Next, the Council approved Hagen & Kallevang to once again perform its annual audit at the cost of $11,300 for the audit and an additional $2,200 for non-audit services.
The Council then discussed the possibility of debt refinancing to take advantage of the current low interest rates, with future discussions to take place regarding this issue.
The meeting was then adjourned following 60 minutes of discussion.
