Waukon City Council updated on several ongoing projects during regular Monday evening session

by Dwight Jones

The Waukon City Council met in regular session the evening of Monday, May 3 to address an 18-item Regular Business agenda. All council members were present.
Under Departmental Reports, Councilman John Ellingson informed the Council and department heads that there was a training session scheduled for May 17 at the Luster Heights facility for anyone interested in moving forward with the previously discussed work program available through that facility. Such training is required of those who would be supervising or overseeing the workers.
Moving on to Regular Business, a lengthy discussion regarding a proposed zoning change for property owned by Dick Sullivan at 116 West Main Street took place. Sullivan is proposing to convert the parking lot area to condominiums. The Planning and Zoning Board had met and approved the change and it had now moved to the Council for approval. Zoning Administrator Al Lyon explained that even if the zoning change was approved, there would still be a minimum of three additional variances that would be needed for the project to move ahead.
Councilman Joe Cunningham expressed his concerns, but on a 4-1 vote the Council approved the first reading of the zoning change with additional readings forthcoming at future meetings.
A second, lengthy discussion then took place regarding a proposed expansion of the Robey Memorial Library.  Brian Stark and Dave Martin, architects that have been working with the library board for the past nine years, were in attendance and explained the proposed project in great detail.  Due to geographic layout, they were suggesting a two-story addition, which would roughly double the size of the current facility. Their proposal had a cost estimate of $1.12 million. There are currently grant dollars available through the U.S. Government that could cover up to 70% of the cost, and the library board was still needing some funding information from the Council to move forward with the grant proposal.
There is much yet to be determined, but the Council heard enough to approve allowing the architects and library board to work together and get the grant request submitted. The Council approved the use of “general obligation bonds” to cover the city’s portion of the project, though the source of funding is yet to be determined.

The Council then approved the use of a portion of Second Avenue NE near the Waukon Wellness Center for motorcycle licensing by Allamakee County. Such training was previously done at the airport.
Ellingson then spoke to explain a grant he was proposing the City submit through the State of Iowa for additional updates at the airport, most noticeably an update of the fueling system. The total cost of the project would be $30,730 with approximately 70% funded by the grant. The Council approved the submittal of the grant request.
City Attorney Jim Garrett then updated the Council on progress that was being made on the Bresnahan subdivision project. Through the Planning and Zoning Board, a committee has been formed to finalize a development agreement between the City and the Bresnahans. Councilmen Steve Wiedner and Joe Cunningham will serve on the committee on behalf of the Council. Meetings will be starting soon.
The Council then approved the date of June 7, 2010 for the public hearing date to assign zoning classification to two recently annexed properties, known as Innovative Ag and the Lomen property. This will be done as part of the regular council meeting.
The Council was then updated further on progress with the Innovative Ag project by Garrett.  Additional discussion also involved the storm sewer work being done near RW Pladsen, Inc. Following several resolutions of funding transfers, the meeting was adjourned.
