Women's Lenten Ecumenical Breakfasts to begin March 17

The first Women’s Lenten Ecumenical Breakfast will be held at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Waukon, with a change in the usual rotation for this year. The first breakfast will be Thursday, March 17 at 6:45 a.m. All women in the area are invited to attend.
Joan Moody and her daughter, Brenda Dougherty, will present the program at St. John’s about child sponsorship entitled “Making a Difference-One Child At a Time.”
Waukon native Kristi Hager will be the featured speaker for the Women’s Lenten Breakfast at St. Patrick’s Church in Waukon Thursday, March 24 at 6:45 a.m. Hager will be sharing her faith journey surrounding the Living Stone, a transitional living home located west of Waukon.
Hager has been married to her husband, Bob, for 24 years. They own and operate Upper Iowa Resort and Rental. They have three daughters. Aubree is married to Chris Peterman and both are active in the U.S. Air Force and are currently stationed in Guam; their son, Kaden (3), has resided with the Hagers since the couple's deployment November 18, 2010. The Hagers’ other two daughters, Alyssa and Alaina, are both currently attending the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls.
Hager is a Registered Nurse, but recently stepped back from her nursing career to invest more time in the Living Stone. Hager says one of her greatest joys is seeing the power of God transform lives. She enjoys reading, spending time with family and friends, and quiet reflection.
