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Home ›Friends of Pool 9 Mississippi River Adventure Day (MRAD) has been scheduled for July 15

Mississippi River Adventure Day participants collect clams and cool off during the 2012 event sponsored by Friends of Pool 9. Submitted photo.
The seventh annual Mississippi River Adventure Day (MRAD) sponsored by Friends of Pool 9 is scheduled for Tuesday, July 15. The day-long event involves treating 120 children and parents to a series of experiences on the Mississippi River. Outdoor professionals will lead children on an encounter with nature they will not soon forget. The river activity affords children a hands-on experience with nature under the guidance and safety of trained professionals. Friends of Pool 9 organizers assure parents it will be a safe and meaningful day for their children. There is no cost to parents or children. All expenses are paid by Friends of Pool 9 and other donors.
Participants and accompanying adults will meet at the Lansing baseball diamond for instructions and be fitted with a personal flotation device (life jacket), transported to activity sites on the Mississippi River via Mississippi Explorer boats, and provided a picnic noon lunch on the beach.
Adventures for the 5-8 year-old children will include seining for fish, “pollywogging” for clams, collecting small invertebrates, touching a live catfish, visiting an active bald eagle nest and free time for a swim.
The older aged groups (9-13) will have two major activities: taking part in a GPS Treasure Hunt and have an encounter with nature while on a backwater canoe trip. It’s a Huck Finn/Tom Sawyer kind of day that introduces children to the excitement and beauty of the Mississippi River.
Applications can be found on the Friends of Pool 9 website, under the F.O.P. 9 News/Events Tab. Applications can be completed online and submitted or they can be printed from the website and mailed to Judy Anderson, PO Box 321, Genoa City, WI 53128. The application deadline is July 1, 2014. Applicants are accepted in a first-come, first-served manner, and the number is limited to 120 children and parents. Questions or concerns may be directed to John Verdon at 563-538-4836 or any FOP9 Board member.