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Brad and Erin Berns are Allamakee County inductees into Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame

Erin and Brad Berns inducted into Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame ... Brad and Erin Berns of Waukon were selected as this year’s inductees into the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame for Allamakee County. Pictured above at the induction ceremony held Sunday, August 18 as part of the Iowa State Fair are Iowa 4-H Foundation Executive Director Emily Saveraid, Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame inductees Erin and Brad Berns, and Iowa 4-H Staff and Volunteer Development Manager Tillie Good. Submitted photo.

Brad and Erin Berns of Allamakee County were inducted into the 2024 Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame during a ceremony at the 4-H Exhibits Building at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines Sunday, August 18.

Ninety-three Iowa counties participated in the honoring this year and selected 125 inductees for their outstanding service and dedication to 4-H. Inductees or their surviving family members were presented a certificate by Iowa 4-H Foundation President Jeff Murphy and State 4-H Program Leader Mitchell Hoyer as they were introduced on stage.

Brad and Erin Berns’ contribution to 4-H is widely felt, said Marissa Foels, Youth Coordinator for Iowa State University (ISU) Extension and Outreach Allamakee County. This year’s inductees started as youth members of 4-H. Not only have they since also supported and encouraged their own children through the 4-H program, but also have supported the members of the Elon PMC 4-H club for numerous years by serving as 4-H club leaders.


New De Soto Area Tourism Commission aims to “attract more visitors … and have them spend their recreational, overnight lodging dollars on local businesses”

by Julie Berg-Raymond

When a group of people in the Village of De Soto, WI were trying to come up with a phrase that described the area in succinct and compelling terms, it was because they wanted to capture the attention of folks looking for a break in their increasingly complex and information-glutted lives - a  place to sojourn in peace and quiet, without it involving a remote mountaintop or a deserted island … a place with plenty of trees and water and starlit nights, but also wi-fi access and a world-class pizza.

Enter the founding members of the De Soto Area Tourism Commission - who nailed it, with the tagline “Near everything, away from it all.” The website for the Village of De Soto elaborates: “… the De Soto area is packed full of opportunities for enjoying outdoor sports, relaxing at a campsite, exploring natural wonders, experiencing history, finding great food and drink, and making new friends” (


A Labor (Day) of Love ...

Bright, sunny skies and ideal temperatures made for a busy Labor Day holiday weekend for river lovers on the Mississippi River at Lansing this past Saturday through Monday. The sand bars and river channels were full of activity, as evident in this photo by Julie Berg-Raymond.


Public invited to take part in Iowa Bible Reading Marathon this Saturday

The annual Iowa Bible Reading Marathon will be held locally this Saturday, September 7 at the Hope Center, located at 395 Main Street in Lansing (beside the Post Office). A portion of the Bible will be read out loud from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

All are welcome to come help read and/or sit and listen (chairs and refreshments provided). To sign up for a reading time slot, contact Sarah Majewski at 563-568-7015 or


Housing development with potential of bringing 72 apartment units to Waukon near City Park receives $1 million in tax credits from IEDA

Apartment complex project near City Park awarded $1 million in workforce housing tax credits ... The open area in the center of the photo above taken by Standard Assistant Editor Joe Moses just north of the Waukon City Park and west of the Waukon Mobile Home Community will be the location for residential development by Dexter Quandahl of Q4 Construction through a development agreement with the City of Waukon. The project, which has the potential to eventually include the construction of four apartment complex buildings with each housing 18 rental units, received a significant boost this past week when Quandahl was awarded $1 million in workforce housing tax credits through the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) for the first phase of the project.

by Joe Moses

Waukon City Manager Gary Boden and Executive Director Val Reinke of Allamakee County Economic Development (ACED) recently provided an update to The Standard relating to the development of new housing options within Waukon, following a recent announcement made by the State of Iowa.
Boden and Reinke began the discussion by noting the recent announcement by Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds and the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) relating to the Workforce Housing Tax Credit Program, a competitive grant program separated between large and small cities.


Waukon Middle School eighth graders embark on historical, educational journey to nation’s capital, other meaningful sites

Laying of the Wreath part of historic trip for Waukon Middle School eight graders ... Eighth grade students from Waukon Middle School were able to take part in the traditional Laying of the Wreath Ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery during their Grand 8 Day Tour of America’s Heritage they participated in through Legacy Student Travel in late July into early August. The ceremony and cemetery visit were part of the many historical and educational aspects of the trip, with Waukon Middle School eighth graders Allia Ericson, Alexus Rowan, Cole Smedsrud and Kevin Troester being selected to participate in the laying of the wreath based on essays the students had to write and submit for the honor. Submitted photo.

Waukon Middle School eighth graders at Thomas Jefferson Memorial Monument ... Waukon Middle School eighth grade students stand on the steps of the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Monument in Washington, D.C. during the chaperoned trip they took during late July into early August. The visit to the monument was just one of the many historical and educational venues the group visited during the Grand 8 Day Tour of America’s Heritage they participated in through Legacy Student Travel with some parents and Waukon Middle School teachers Payton Dietzenbach and Shaylie Hammel serving as chaperones. Submitted photo.

by Brianne Grimstad

In late July into early August a group of 42 travelers, comprised of Waukon Middle School students, parents and chaperones, journeyed east to experience the “Grand 8 Day Tour of America’s Heritage.” The tour was taken through Legacy Student Travel.
Bright and early at 4:30 a.m. Saturday, July 27, the travelers boarded a Hawkeye Stages motor coach to begin their journey into the history of the United States of America. During the trip, the group visited downtown Chicago, IL, Gettysburg, PA, Charlottesville, VA, Mount Vernon, VA and Washington, D.C.


Robey Memorial Library to host QPR Suicide Prevention Program this Thursday

QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer - the three simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. With a record number of deaths by suicide in the United States in 2022 (the last year data is available) and a disproportionate number of deaths by suicide in rural states, this skill is more important now than ever.

Just as people trained in CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver help save thousands of lives each year, people trained in QPR learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help. Each year thousands of Americans are saying “yes” to saving the life of a friend, colleague, family member, or neighbor by participating in this training.


Final week to fill out candidacy paperwork for anyone wishing to seek seat on Veterans Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees

Allamakee County voters will be asked to fill all seven seats on the Veterans Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees in upcoming November General Election

Allamakee County voters will have a unique opportunity in the coming November 5 General Election.

After voter approval in November 2022, Veterans Memorial Hospital (VMH) was transferred from City of Waukon ownership to ownership by Allamakee County. Per Iowa Code 347, a new board of trustees is required to be voted in and all trustee seats are up for election. The VMH Board of Trustees consists of seven members. Membership is open to any eligible resident of Allamakee County.


Trial date in Kasemeier First Degree Murder case now scheduled for January 29, 2025

Brandon Kasemeier ...
Brandon Kasemeier ...

A brief administrative hearing was held via video conference in Allamakee County District Court Monday, August 19 for the sole purpose of setting a jury trial date in the First Degree Murder case of Brandon Kasemeier, the 40-year-old man from Waukon charged in the January 21 death of his estranged wife, Jami Kasemeier. After about a 10-minute hearing held via Zoom web-conferencing software, that trial date has now been scheduled for January 29, 2025.


New non-profit organization, Driftless Water Defenders, advocates for clean water

by Lissa Blake

Citizens have the right to demand clean water.

And a newly formed non-profit organization is helping rally the state’s population around that cause.

About 30 interested citizens attended a Monday, August 5 presentation at Robey Memorial Library in Waukon, hosted by the Driftless Water Defenders (DWD), Iowa’s newest clean water advocacy organization.

The northeast Iowa-based membership organization began just six months ago and has already grown to more than 100 members. Its focus is teaching Iowa communities about the sources of water pollution, adverse health effects of drinking polluted water and how Iowa communities can advocate for cleaner water.


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