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Home ›Lansing Council schedules public hearing regarding water and sewer rate increases for June 16
by B.J. Tomlinson
During its regular meeting Monday, June 2 the Lansing City Council set June 16 as the public hearing date for the proposed water/sewer rate increase. The proposed changes include an automatic 2% usage rate increase beginning July 1 with additional increases to be set by City Ordinance, which will be read at the June 16th hearing - the first of three readings.
Ric Zarwell, representing North Front Street residents Kim and Stan Lee, addressed the Council regarding the special building permit requested by Dave and Karen Mathis. Zarwell said the Lees’ objections included water drainage issues, obstruction of view, blockage of air flow and devaluation of property. Mayor Brennan said the Council would note the objection.
Jeff Harris and the Council discussed a flyer advertising a concert June 21 at TJs Banquet Hall. The flyer stated some of the proceeds would be disbursed to the City of Lansing Park and Rec. Although the Council had no objection to the event itself, they had not been informed of the event but their name was on the flyer. Harris said he was told he just needed to get permission from the Parks Board. He said none of the Council members called to ask him about it, that he had just heard “behind his back” that the Council was upset about it. Mayor Brennan emphasized that the Council needed to be informed if the City’s name is associated with an event.
The Council reviewed and approved a building permit for Jay Tommasin on the Allenstein property. The Council also approved closing off Allamakee Alley behind the Ken Magnusson residence for an auction Sunday, June 29. An agenda item to review an invoice for a service line break submitted by William and Derva Burke was tabled pending further information.
Street Superintendent Jerry Aperans said the swimming pool would open Friday, June 6. Several applicants for lifeguards, pool manager and concession stand employees were approved.
The Council discussed the parking problem at the Marina. Marina slip renters are allowed one parking space, but there may not be enough spaces. It was suggested that a count be conducted of available spaces and additional parking be provided if necessary.
A Special Council meeting with the North Front Street Project residents was tentatively set for 6 p.m. Wednesday, June 18. The goal of the meeting is to update the residents on progress of the project.
The Council reviewed and approved Resolution #843, setting annual salaries and wages for City non-union employees and department heads. Union and non-union employees will receive a 4% increase effective July 1. The Council also reviewed and approved Resolution #844, designating Kerndt Brothers Savings Bank as depository of City funds.
Deb Volker submitted her resignation as Parks Board member. Mayor Brennan and the Council thanked her for her service.
Council member Rebecca Conway questioned whether the City is up to date on sending notices to residents who are not complying with the nuisance ordinance, which requires mowing and weed control. She said she has received several complaints. Council members agreed; Mayor Brennan suggested contacting the County Weed Commissioner to help identify noxious weeds.
Dave Darling questioned the placement of a porta potty along the edge of the River. The Mayor and others agreed that it is unsightly and should be removed.