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Home ›REMEMBERING: Area Memorial Day celebrations
In Waukon ...
The Memorial Day observance in Waukon Monday, May 26 was met with nearly ideal weather, as featured speaker U.S. Navy Retired Chief Warrant Officer James Kvam addressed the crowd about the visits he's made to national cemeteries and his reflection on the sacrifices those laid to rest there have made. After being rained out last year, the parade - much like this nation's freedom - was once again led by veterans who have given of their time, and in some cases their lives, so days such as Memorial Day can be observed without fail. Among those receiving special recognition during the Memorial Day events were Miss Poppy Emily Clark and Mrs. Poppy Marilyn Clark, along with Vietnam Veteran and Honor Guard member John Curtin.
In Harpers Ferry ...
The Memorial Day observance in Harpers Ferry Monday, May 26 involved several unique features, including a float dedicated to the area's "Fallen Heroes" and one of the drums from the former Harpers Ferry High School band that has been used to play the cadence in the annual parade in each of the past two years. Connie Luster is given credit for having saved the drums from the old school, with Bernie Gruman not only repairing the drums so they could be used in the parade but also actually playing the cadence on this particular drum during the parade. A trio of local veterans, including Robert Kolsrud , Norman Leiran and Don Easley, were also honored with "Quilts of Valor" through a nationwide program that supports and honors the sacrifices made by these veterans.
In Lansing ...
The annual Memorial Day observance in Lansing took place Monday, May 26, with the traditional series of services taking place throughout the morning that included the Navy Remembrance Ceremony at Sweeney's Boat Landing along the Mississippi River , as well as services at Wexford and Gethsemane cemeteries and flag-raising ceremonies at both Thornton Manor and Mount Hosmer. The traditional Memorial Day program held at Oak Hill Cemetery included the Memorial Day Address delivered by featured speaker Kim Sheppard, as well as a presentation of "Quilts of Valor" to local veterans Ralph Bartels and Norman Reeves.
In New Albin ...
New Albin's Memorial Day observance program was held at several venues Monday, May 26, including the New Albin Community Center, the Veterans Memorial in downtown New Albin and at St. Joseph's Cemetery, with a variety of remembrances and honorings taking place at all venues. Special recognition was given to three World War II veterans from the New Albin area during the observance program at the New Albin Community Center. The VFW Honor Guard rendered appropriate honors at St. Joseph's Cemetery and New Albin resident Gary Thomas presented this year's Memorial Day Address.