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Home ›"Thunder in the Park" feels slight weather impact, but deemed successful otherwise
The "Thunder in the Park" Civil War re-enactment event held in Waukon Friday evening, June 13 through Sunday afternoon, June 15 drew a good level of interest, despite rain forcing cancellation of the cannon night firing scheduled for Saturday evening. Although the battle lines were clearly drawn in the re-enactment phase of the weekend's abundant activities, all seemed to come together in peace and harmony for the Saturday evening dance and other relaxation times within the re-enactment camps, and all certainly came together to make the weekend what event originator Al Lyon called "a satisfying success." A total of 90 re-enactors took part in the battle events, with anticipation high to begin planning in August for next year's event. "We were pretty pleased for this being just our second year," Lyon said. "We plan to keep growing, but it takes some time to work out all the kinks when you start an event like this. All the re-enactors and those who put on other shows all want to come back. They like Waukon, they enjoyed the park, and they appreciated the crowd and the questions they were asked." Anyone with further comments or suggestions on growing or improving the event, or those wishing to volunteer to take part in it, may contact Lyon at 563-380-2183. View and find out how purchase this photos and many more by clicking on the Photo Gallery link.