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Home ›City of Lansing accepting applications for Owner Occupied Housing Rehabilitation program
The City of Lansing is accepting applications for the Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Program through October 31, 2014. All applications postmarked by that date will be considered.
The rehabilitation program can assist homeowners with up to $24,999 to help make repairs to their homes. The homes must meet Iowa’s Minimum Housing Standard’s upon completion. Rehabilitation may include items such as replacing shingles or siding that is in poor condition; and/or to aid in energy efficiency such as adding insulation to the attic and walls, replacing drafty old windows, and updating the electrical and plumbing.
To determine if you are eligible for the grant funds: you must own and live in your home for a minimum of six months, you must be income eligible and your property cannot be located in the 100-year flood plain. Income eligibility is based on household size and annual (gross) household income:
Household Size/Gross Income
1 33,400
2 38,200
3 42,950
4 47,700
5 51,550
6 55,350
7 59,150
8 63,000
If you are interested or know someone who you think would be interested and meet the qualifications outlined in the chart above, applications can be picked up at Upper Explorerland Regional Planning Commission’s office at 134 W. Greene Street, Postville during regular business hours or by contacting Upper Explorerland in Postville at 563-864-7551 ext. 101.