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Home ›Lansing City Council sets open burning dates
by B.J. Tomlinson
Prior to meeting in closed session to discuss union negotiations, the Lansing City Council met briefly in regular session Monday, March 16.
The Council accepted the suggested dates for open burning in the City limits, which this year will be April 13 to May 31. Councilman Dick Roeder suggested the Council adopt permanent dates for open burning and city-wide cleanup days so they wouldn’t have to discuss it every year. It was agreed to discuss the matter at a later time.
The Council reviewed and approved a building permit application from Peter and Rhonda Berns for a 20 x 28 foot addition at 210 Valley Street. The proposed addition met all City requirements.
People Service Representative Heath Draeger reported that the third of four meetings to develop written digging standards was held last week. He said progress is being made and a draft to revise the City Ordinance will be presented to the Council by July 1. Draeger also said the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has conducted an inspection of the water treatment plant; no deficiencies were identified. He also reported that due to continued oil leaks, the air compressors currently in use need to be replaced with larger units and he is exploring replacement options. The issue will be added to the agenda at the April Council meeting.
Dave Pleasants said that the Parks Board will be meeting soon to discuss summer activities, hiring staff and other topics.
Street Superintendent Jerry Aperans said gravel will be added to the burn pile access drive as soon as possible and that the fencing around the area will move forward this spring.