Letter to the Editor: I don't know how much nicer I can be

To the Editor:
I wasn’t going to write any more of my opinions, as I’m supposed to be nice or it doesn’t get printed. But it’s OK for Mr. Engle and Mr. Schilling to write many very one-sided remarks degrading our local Representative from this district and President Obama. It appears Mr. Engle turns out to still be unhappy with the election results and I never saw in any print in 12 years in The Standard by Mr. Schilling about the invasion and 12-year Iraq war, the loss of innocent lives and the use of torture, according to the laws of the Geneva Convention. I believe both men should read the laws of the Geneva Convention.
Oh, I know all about elected officials and am reminded of the fact that they leave themselves open for negative remarks. I believe Waukon’s City Council is also elected by the citizens. And I was wondering about the City Council and Waukon Economic Development - who’s running who or who’s in charge?
Don’t get me wrong, the Chief of Police is a pretty good guy, but according to the mayor, the Waukon Chief of Police made the decision on his own where to purchase new police department cars and Waukon’s two new car dealerships never got a chance to submit a bid. What in the world is wrong? And by the way, I think I know I might be able to come close to the answer to that.
I really don’t believe that they’re watching out for you and the rest of the taxpayers. Remember the upcoming elections, and the fact is that how long you, the taxpayers, will be paying for just a few big shots’ ideas and whims. I guess all those potholes will heal on their own.
Not bragging, but I fought in combat, as millions did, in Vietnam against the communists and the right for free speech in this country. Approximately 58,000 Americans died in Vietnam so your city and council elected officials could do the right thing on your behalf and not in vain.
I really don’t know how much nicer I can be, unless I stretch it like Fox news, the official news station of the GOP.

Pat Ward