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Home ›Supervisors asked to further explain four-way stop decision at intersection of Old Highway 9 and Old Stage Road
by Bob Beach
During public comment time at the regular meeting of the Allamakee County Board of Supervisors Monday, August 3, Dr. Benjamin Ross of Waukon presented the Board with a Letter to the Editor he authored for publication in this week’s edition of The Standard regarding the Board’s decision to change the intersection of Old Highway 9 and Old Stage Road west of Waukon from a two-way stop to a four-way stop. Ross said that, as a motorcyclist, he is concerned that the four-way stop will increase the risk of rear-end collisions and asked the Board for clarification on the thought process leading up to the change.
Board Chairman Larry Schellhammer explained that the cost of eliminating the blind spot at the intersection had been estimated at around $600,000, plus the cost of land acquisition. He said that the intersection has been a cause for public concern for years and that the Board did not make its decision without due consideration. “People are scared of that intersection,” Schellhammer said, adding that he hopes that the additional stop signs and accompanying rumble strips (which are scheduled to be worked on within this next week) will bring people to a stop at the intersection and give people a chance to get through it safely and perhaps convince travelers to use State Highway 9 instead.
“This is one more thing to help on the side of safety,” said Supervisor Dennis Koenig. “We hope that this is the way to go.”
Also during public comment time, the Board agreed to recess for an hour during its regular meeting next week to attend a town meeting with U.S. Senator Joni Ernst scheduled for Monday, August 10 at 9:30 a.m. at the Vets’ Hall in Waukon.
During a brief regular business agenda, the Board approved the third reading of an amendment to the County’s zoning ordinance to allow residential cluster developments. Hearing no comments from the public, the Board voted unanimously to adopt the amendment.