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Home ›New Albin Improvement League (NAIL) making plans for a busy final half of the year
The New Albin Improvement League (NAIL) has a busy fall planned with many events for the citizens of New Albin and surrounding communities to become involved in. As usual, the committee hopes to hit as many populations as possible with its upcoming events.
The first event being hosted by NAIL is a Back to School weekend. The weekend starts with a free family movie being shown at the Town House in New Albin Friday evening, August 21 at 6:30 p.m. All children need to bring is their pajamas, a pillow and a blanket to the event. NAIL will provide popcorn and drinks and, of course, all the fun of watching a movie with friends in their pajamas.
Saturday, August 22, NAIL will be hosting a “Back to School Supply 5K” fun run in New Albin. The event will start on Main Street at the Gazebo in New Albin and will follow a well-marked course throughout the community. Registration fees and all other donated proceeds that are raised will be used to purchase supplies for the New Albin Elementary School. If people wish to donate and watch the event, there will also be donation boxes for any school supplies donated or money donations. Registration begins at 9 a.m. the day of the race.
Other events that will be taking place this fall include the semiannual Neighbors Day and a fish fry, which are both being held in September. With fall comes Halloween and NAIL’s Halloween Bash will be back again and is promised to be bigger and better this year with more events for older children. And finally, NAIL will once again host Christmas in New Albin the first weekend in December.
For additional information on the New Albin Improvement League (NAIL) or any of the events mentioned above, e-mail