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Home ›Waukon City Council holds regular meeting
by Bob Beach
During public comment time at the regular meeting of the Waukon City Council Monday, August 17, Jesse Delaney of Bruening Rock Products said that he thinks that Bruening "got thrown under the bus" at the Council's last meeting, referring to the final cost of the Logan Street project being nearly double the price bid. Delaney said that he had not prepared a formal bid for the City on the project but had quoted a price to developer Dick Sullivan for simply laying some rock on the street. Delaney added that what was done on Logan Street was similar to what was done in the West Side Development and pointed out that the material costs for Logan Street were honored even though the bid was submitted last April.
During regular business, the Council held a public hearing regarding an amendment to the Southeast Urban Renewal Plan. After hearing no comments, the public hearing was closed and the Council went on to pass a resolution to amend the Southeast Urban Renewal Plan to include the $50,000 roof repair project on the Tierney Building downtown.
The Council also discussed plans to refinance its general loan obligations and to include some upcoming expenses in that refinancing. The Council agreed to hold a public meeting Wednesday, August 19 to settle on a final dollar figure.
In other business, the Council discussed a possible franchise agreement with Alliant Energy and determined to seek a three-percent franchise fee, which would be passed on directly to Alliant customers. The franchise agreement with Mediacom was also briefly discussed as it relates to getting internet service to the new fire station, though Mediacom's position is that it is not required to provide service to the new station under the terms of its current franchise agreement.