Letter to the Editor: Response to Schilling's comments about the Pope

To the Editor Emeritus:
I’m responding, Dick, because of your caustic remarks about Pope Francis.
I remember taking a course in marriage counseling from Dr. Sternmetz a number of years ago, and he would always start his lectures with the phrase, “Communication is the name of the game.” He would stress this point for all interpersonal relationships. I never forgot this. When a person has a problem with another person, talk to that person. How difficult this is for so many people. I found this to be true in counseling married couples. It’s true in all interpersonal relationships. Jesus was an object of criticism by the Pharisees for talking and eating with sinners of various kinds, even prostitutes. So when Pope Francis went to talk to Castro about religious freedom in Cuba, he was just following the example of Jesus Christ. Remember that one of those prostitutes changed her ways and stood at the foot of the cross of Christ. Maybe Castro will change his ways because of the visit of Pope Francis.
In your article, Dick, you sarcastically remarked about Castro being educated by the Jesuits. I suggest you get out your Bible and read the parable of the sower. The good seed doesn’t always land on good soil. Castro was either a pathway, rocky ground or a bunch of weeds. The sower did his job. The listener was the problem. If you were ever an instructor, Dick, you will know this to be true.
Name calling is a useless practice. Saying that Pope Francis “preaches economic socialism as opposed to capitalism” is a good example. Please, again, get out your Bible and read Luke 12:13-21 on hoarding possessions; Luke 16:19-31, the rich man and Lazarus; Mt. 25:31-46. You will notice, Dick, that Jesus doesn’t condemn these people for being rich. Jesus condemns them for how they use the wealth they possess. In the case of the rich man and Lazarus, even the dogs show more compassion for the poor man than the rich man.
It would also be very beneficial, Dick, to read all the verses to see where those who hoard their wealth, who refuse to help the poor, end up. Not good. Pope Francis preaches the same lesson as Jesus did. Please don’t call Jesus Christ an economic socialist.
A good example of what Pope Francis preaches is found in the life of a friend of mine in Decorah, Dan Heulsner. Dan was a multi-millionaire, but he practiced what he called “living giving.” He gave his wealth to those less fortunate than himself. He was a member of the Luren Singers and paid for the new tuxedos for all the singers. His usual greeting was always, “Hi, Padre.” I think his biggest gift was ten million to the University of Minnesota, his alma mater. This is what Pope Francis is preaching. Dan was a good example for what Pope Francis preaches.
Lastly, Dick, your remarks on Franciscan Rev. Junipero Serra. Your source of information on Junipero Serra, the San Francisco daily newspaper, was very questionable. It’s like asking an atheist to help you in your growth in your love for God. The truth is that Junipero Serra did everything he could to stop the violence. He even went back to Mexico City to plead with the officials to help put a stop to it. You can imagine how successful that would be. The fact that gives my mind peace is the presence of the Native Americans that were present for the ceremony.
I’m sorry Dick, dear friend, that this letter got so long, but I couldn’t let your horrible remarks go unanswered. Please pray for peace of mind and soul.

Love in Christ,
Msgr. Ed Lechtenberg