Letter to the Editor: Praise for “Guys and Dolls” production

To the Editor:
Waukon and Allamakee County theatergoers had a rare treat; we were transported to New York and the wonderful world of “Guys and Dolls” last night. The quartet of Leah Riese, Adam Gruman, Annika Wahlberg,  and Zach Troendle had attitude, accent, swagger and sass as they told the story of unlikely love overcoming all. Dolan Jones and Nathan Smith were the perfect wingmen spinning out great songs like the night’s show stopper “Sidda down! Ya rockin’ da boat!”  Matt Hoins, Tanner Manning, Kameron Klinge, and Aaron Sherman delivered great character roles on both sides of the law. Special mention must go to Alexis Bahr, Carley Sweeney, and Katelyn Leiran for their sparkling performances. Hats off to the super stage crew and techs that lit and hustled scenery on and off lightning fast. A peppy pit kept the action and singers sweet and snappy. Kudos to the dynamic directing duo of Ethan Adams and Louise Wild. The Allamakee Community School Board and administration are to be commended for their support that guided our students through this vital learning process of music, song, team work and creative story telling. I say, “Keep rockin’ da boat.”

Russ Hagen