Supervisors take another step toward establishing ATV/UTV trail system, hear discussion on proposed change to County payroll

by Jason Meyer

The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Monday morning, November 16.
First before the Supervisors was discussion of a proposed ATV trail in Allamakee County. Jeff Mitchell, representing the Allamakee County ATV Club, noted that many communities in the county, such as Harpers Ferry, Postville and Waukon, have ATV/UTV ordinances on their books already, and Waterville was looking to adopt one. The Club is now looking to the County to establish a trail system using county roadways to connect all the communities within Allamakee and lead in to and out of county campsites.
Following discussion, where concerns of education, safety and enforcement were posed, including signage costs and other issues yet to be resolved, Supervisor Dennis Koenig put forth a motion to "work to establish a trail system within Allamakee County for ATVs." Supervisor Larry Schellhammer relinquished the chair to Koenig in order to second the motion. With the Chair pro tempore taking the vote, Supervisor Dan Byrnes was the only dissenting vote.
"My position hasn't changed on this," said Byrnes. "ATVs are not made for use on roads, they have low-pressure tires, they flip over easy. The statistics just prove that they're dangerous. I don't think they belong on our roads. I think that the efforts should be put into trying to get an ATV park on some land, whether private or public."
With the passing of the motion by the County Supervisors, the ATV Club can now move forward with more effective grant writing.

Allamakee County Auditor Denise Beyer was on hand to continue a discussion with the Supervisors about bringing all County employees to the same payroll cycle.
"Right now, we have about four different payroll cycles," said Beyer at the November 2 meeting when the conversation first began, noting the differences in salaried, hourly, part-time hourly, and even an individual department running on their own schedule.
Since the November 2 meeting the Auditor's office has put forth a plan to roll back portions of payrolls to bring all departments on to the same schedule. The plan, however, has been meet with resistance among various County department heads and employees.
The proposed plan would hold back a nominal portion of an employee's payroll until the employee's payroll was brought in-line with a pre-determined schedule with all other County employees.
"We'd like everyone to be on a schedule where they're paid the week following a pay period," said the Auditor at the November 2 meeting.
Following discussion with various department heads and other members of the County staff, the Supervisors took no action.
"It seems that we have more 'looking in' to do," Chairman Schellhammer said to those in attendance. "We'll mull it over, and you'll have a chance to bring more feedback. We're certainly not trying to push anything through there, it was an idea to try and get everyone on the same page."

John J. Hansen, president of Midwest Construction Consultants, was on hand to brief the Supervisors on the progress of the new Public Safety Center.
Hansen reported that the asbestos abatement at the Makee Manor site has been completed, as well as repairs to the water tower at that site. He also noted that final specifications for demolition and other work should be completed by November 27, and should go to bid shortly thereafter. Deadlines have tentatively been set for either Tuesday, December 22 or 29 for opening bids.

In other business, the Supervisors:
approved the first reading, and waived the second and third readings of the "Public Use Buildings and Facilities" amendment to the County's Zoning Ordinance. Having heard no feedback during two prior public hearings, the Board felt the waiving was justified to keep the Public Safety Center project moving forward.
approved the disallowance of Homestead Credits and/or Military Exemptions on two parcels where either a change of ownership and/or death had occurred.