Letter to the Editor: Keep your holiday shopping dollars local

To the Editor:
Readers – before driving off to big city malls, check out our small town stores. See what they have to offer, all of them. You may be surprised. If they are ignored long enough they will go away, and we really don't need any more empty storefronts.
Local dollars spent, it is said, circulate five to seven times before heading off to Washington, D.C., or wherever. Those dollars do a wonder of good. They end up in local church collection plates, pay taxes for new streets and sidewalks, contributions for 4-H projects at the County Fair, also given to fire departments and special school fund drives, and to any number of community benefits.
Where are you going to find contributions at a big city mall when your aunt who has cancer, or your cousin who was in a farm accident suddenly has need for a benefit fund raiser? Just who would you ask in a far off city for a contribution? How would one even go about it, and would they care? Think about it.
Shop in the county if need be. We are like one large family with a common home, our Court House. Give all the little shops and stores in other county towns a chance to earn your holiday dollars; and then, if that special present or gift can't be found, drive out of town. But, remember our county has two outstanding milk creameries, two large furniture stores, and numerous antique and novelty stores all vying and hoping that Black Friday will keep them from having a 'Red Monday.' Don't forget our discount hardware and/or farm stores. Most places have it or will get it for you with great friendliness.

Jim Magner