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by Pastor Samantha Houser
Zion United Church of Christ
A poem as we head into the Advent season:
In spite of war and terror, Mary gives birth to the Prince of Peace.
In spite of hunger, Mary gives birth to the Bread of Life.
In spite of lost sheep, Mary gives birth to the Good Shepherd.
In spite of hearts pregnant with hatred, Mary gives birth to LOVE.
It is not done!
It is not done!
It is not done!
The birthing is not over.
The blessings continue.
Angels wait in the wings!
-Ann Weems
For many of us we sit and watch the news and wonder what is happening to the world around us, what in God’s name is going on? And while I nor anyone else have answers for that I can say that I hold Ann Weems sentiment when I say that we can trust that God is not done with this world. And what better time to reflect on all of this than advent?
Advent is the season when we prepare our hearts for the new possibilities that God is birthing into our lives. And God is working on a great reversal, one that begins with Mary, a lowly peasant pregnant with a King. Then the Word made flesh is born, unable to speak a word. And its right there, in the arms of his loving parents where we see the mystery of God revealed as a baby who only has the ability to love and be loved.
It’s in that moment that we are pulled in to notice that God is turning everything on its head. To fully realize that the love that comes down at Christmas is not about power. Or control. It’s about vulnerability. It’s about selfless action. But mostly it’s about hope.
So, this Advent, you are invited to journey with the God who will not leave us in fear and darkness but instead, whose light shines and makes all things new.
Let us have the courage to turn towards the light this Advent, Christmas and Epiphany.
Hope to see you in church, Blessings and Grace.