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Home ›Bring your workout indoors for the winter
You did it! After years of trying, you finally established a workout routine. Everyone is happy: You love the way you look and feel, and your healthcare provider is pleased. But now it’s the middle of winter. The days are short and temperatures are dropping.
But don’t let winter freeze your workout routine. Erica Krause-Wagner, FNP, a nurse practitioner at the Gundersen Lansing Clinic has the following tips to help you stay active all year round:
The rower at the gym can give you an amazing workout. Even though you are seated, each stroke of the rowing machine gives you a full-body workout that can send your heart rate zooming. Concerned that a long solo row is boring? Try a rowing class and really see the results soar.
Barre-based classes that use a combination of moves inspired by ballet combined with bits of yoga and Pilates are becoming increasingly popular. The dance barre is used as a prop to balance yourself while you do exercises focusing on isometric strength training combined with high numbers of small range-of-motion movements. Some classes involve light handheld weights.
Even though you probably haven’t used a jump rope since third grade, now might be the time to return to your childhood to keep your fitness routine fresh. Exercise experts love the rope because it strengthens the upper and lower body and burns a lot of calories in a short time. Be warned, though: If you haven’t jumped rope in a long time, you may initially find the experience quite humbling. Jumping rope requires (and builds) coordination, but once you get the hang of it, you can have a great time burning calories.
Boxing classes can give you a full-body workout. Ducking, blocking and weaving around the ring requires a great deal of cardio endurance and muscle conditioning. In fact, boxing can blast up to 600 calories an hour. And since perfecting the boxing technique requires extreme focus, boxing is an excellent way to train both your mind and your body.
Yoga is an excellent addition to winter workouts because it provides excellent cross-training for more cardio-intensive activities. Originating in India thousands of years ago, yoga is designed to focus on breathing and movements that help the body stretch and release areas of tension.
Check with your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise routines if you have any underlying health conditions.