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Home ›Letter to the Editor: Do you love your wireless technology?
To the Editor:
Do you love wireless technology so much you wouldn’t care if it came with harmful side effects like prescription drugs and over the counter drugs? What if wireless technology came with side effect warnings informing you of all the possible side effects? What if it harmed your friends or even a family member, would that make you think twice about wireless technology?
Most people I talk to say basically the same thing, “That’s the price you pay for technology.” “Price you pay,” Seriously! Let me ask you this, what is more important to you; your health or your wireless devices? The price one pays for using untested, unsafe drugs could be death and people get outrageously upset because the drug was not properly tested. However untested, unsafe wireless technology is praised. I have not seen any desire in most Allamakee residents to gain knowledge and to question the safety of wireless technology. In fact no one, well almost no one in Allamakee County questions the safety of it. Waukon is on pace to have more towers than La Crosse. Maybe that is what people of Waukon want, “Come to Waukon, where we have one cellphone tower per resident.” Did I fire you up? I want people fired up to start researching for I cannot figure out why people would want to have cancers, leukemia, children with autism and numerous birth defects, children with accelerated allergies, or the destruction of human DNA, etc...
People a century ago could only dream about the technology we have today. Do not get me wrong, I believe technology is beneficial and can help people excel in many ways. I just want the lies and deception to stop and the truth of technology to be told instead of hiding it under the rug.
Wireless companies are doing the exact same thing. They know about the harmful effects of wireless technology and they cover it up. Deep in their manuals they say something to this degree; we are not responsible for any harmful effects caused by this device for you as the consumer have taken this device knowing the harmful effects this device could cause. Another line is that all devices must be held one-inch from your body, so if you are to hold it one-inch, according to them, then what happens to your hand? Simple, damage to your hand or hand cancer, if you are like “no way,” then check into Attorney Jimmy Gonzalez from Florida who died November 27, 2014 from three different cell phone radiation induced cancers. Also did you know that Beau Biden died from the same type of cell phone induced brain tumor, do not believe me look it up.
Would you continue to hold your love for wireless technology at a high level even when someone in your own family or your best friend is suffering from them? Who wants technology to be harmful or to create harm upon themselves, their children, their families, their friends or their loved ones? I would think parents especially would not want to see technology create harm upon their children. Most people use the, “I am so glad it is them and not me,” approach or, “well, that will never happen to me!” Thus, while your loved ones suffer, you feel that you are better than them and therefore their deteriorating health due to wireless technology will never affect you for you are a better person then they are for you have taken all these safety precautions and since they are ill they must not have. How do you know they did not take the same precautions, what if they had taken better precautions then you.
I experience the health effects of wireless radiation on a daily basis. I have read numerous articles, lectures, scientific research documents, and opinion letters in the last three years since my health crashed in 2012.
As I write this, I’m going to do my best not to overwhelm you. I am going to try to minimize my sources with the most information to give you the ability to find meat and potatoes on the subject.
First let me acknowledge all the information that has already been presented to you in previous Standard editorials: December 19, 2012, April 3, 2013, July 7, 2014, October 29, 2014, October 21, 2015, and November 18, 2015.
From that we have 21 sources presented to you over the past three years. You have a lot of valuable information. In Cell phones: Invisible hazards of the wireless age by Amanda Brown PhD in December 2006 issue of the Common Ground, she states the following are symptoms of Radio Wave Sickness: Neurological Symptoms: headaches, dizziness, nausea, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, irritability, depression, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, weakness, tremors, muscle spasms, numbness, tingling, altered reflexes, muscle and joint pain, leg/foot pain, “Flue-like” symptoms, and fever. More severe reactions can include seizures, paralysis, psychosis and stroke. Cardiac Symptoms: palpitations, arrhythmias, pain or pressure in the chest, low or high blood pressure, slow or fast heart rate, shortness of breath. Respiratory Symptoms: sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma. Dermatological Symptoms: skin rash, itching, burning, facial flushing. Ophthalmologic Symptoms: pain or burning in the eyes, pressure in/behind the eyes, deteriorating vision, floaters, cataracts. Other Symptoms: digestive problems; abdominal pain; enlarged thyroid, testicular/ovarian pain; dryness of lips, tongue, mouth, eyes; great thirst; dehydration; nosebleeds; internal bleeding; altered sugar metabolism; immune abnormalities; redistribution of metals within the body; hair loss; pain in the teeth; deteriorating fillings; impaired sense of smell; ringing in the ears.
In 2008, Cell Phone Poisoning of America by Logical Health LLC, list the following health conditions that are linked with long-term electromagnetic radiation: Alzheimer’s disease, Autism, Parkinson’s disease, heart disease, miscarriage, brain tumors, Leukemia, fatigue, depression, immune system disorders, learning disabilities, memory loss, sleep disorders and insomnia, headaches and migraines, loss of concentration, lowered sperm counts, increased blood pressure, DNA damage, blood-brain barrier damage, and hormonal imbalance.
What is more important to you: your health or your wireless devices? Once you lose your health to your wireless devices will you continue to hold them at such high importance? Let me share some advice given to me that may help those of you in doubt, “once you lose your health, you have lost everything.” What do I mean by “you have lost everything.” Once you lose your health to wireless devices and in our technology savvy world we live in, you now become a “liability.” Big corporations will not invest their time in making accommodations for you as a worker or a customer, to them “liabilities” cost money. Once you are a “liability,” you cannot work the same way you did before. You cannot guarantee that one day you will not have a bad day and end up missing work due to not being able to handle the cell phones, cell phone towers nearby, wireless routers, walkie-talkie radios, cordless phone, etc... Once your health is lost for good, who will help you survive for it will not be the government. It also will not be the business in the wireless technology market for they encourage harmful devices into the public so it can destroy your health. If these businesses wanted to put your health first, they would not push their technology into the market without making it 110% safe, instead they want you, the consumer, to be their guinea pig. If you think the government will save you, don’t count on it. They refuse to recognize this disability, even though numerous other nations acknowledge it. Ask yourself, do I have the money set aside to take care of my everyday living expenses for the rest of my life plus my medical expense, when my health is damaged by untested, unsafe wireless technology? No one has the financial means to cover these types of expenses especially the cost of medical expenses these days, and if you could help prevent these, would you not want to? Are you willing to pay the costs of unsafe technology? I want you to ask yourself what is more important, your health or your wireless devices?
Matthew Huck
La Crosse, WI