New 4D ultrasound available at VMH

The Radiology Department at Veterans Memorial Hospital now has new High-Definition Ultrasound Equipment with 4D capabilities. This is especially exciting for expecting families in the community, as they will be able to view their baby in a whole new way. Pictured are some images of a baby on this new machine. 4D ultrasounds create a live video effect, like a movie, so parents can watch their baby smile, yawn, or suck their thumb. The standard 2D imaging looks through the baby to show the internal organs, but with the 3D and 4D scans, parents can see their baby's skin.

The radiology department at Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waukon now has new High-Definition Ultrasound Equipment with four-dimensional (4D) capabilities. This is especially exciting for expecting families in the community, as they will be able to view their baby in a whole new way. In addition to the black and white images that are sometimes hard to visualize, there will also be 3D and 4D images taken.
“Having an ultrasound for new moms is exciting as it is, and now we are excited to announce this new feature,” shared Veterans Memorial Hospital Radiology Supervisor Amanda Leiran.“Not only can you see the baby’s profile, but you can see his or her entire face.”
Like regular ultrasounds, 3D and 4D ultrasounds use sound waves to create an image of the baby in the womb. What’s different is that 3D ultrasounds create a three-dimensional image of the baby, while 4D ultrasounds show moving 3D images of your baby, with time being the fourth dimension.
“I have had an ultrasound before of my gall bladder that was in 2D, but the 4D ultrasound was so much more interesting. We could actually see the details of our baby at only 21 weeks along,” explained Teri Marting of Elkader, who is expecting her first child in April. “We could actually see the face - the nose, the eyes, the whole face. We could even see the hands cupped up under the face, just like the baby had its eyes closed sleeping on its hands. It was a really neat experience to be able to see that.”
Four-dimensional ultrasounds create a live video effect, like a movie, so parents can watch their baby smile, yawn or suck their thumb. The standard 2D imaging looks through the baby to show the internal organs. With 3D and 4D scans, parents can see their baby’s skin rather than the insides. This also makes it easier to diagnose certain birth defects, such as cleft lip, which can help the doctors and the parents be more prepared to care for the infant and plan for any needed repair after birth.
“As the saying goes, ‘ten little fingers and ten little toes,’ this new 4D ultrasound machine at Veterans Memorial Hospital allowed us to count all ten even before meeting her!” stated Morgan Weymiller, RN, who is expecting her third child. “As opposed to the 2D ultrasound, we were able to see a clearer picture of our little one’s development, which was comforting. It was simply amazing to see her little features, such as nose, lips, chin, hands, fingers, feet, toes. We even got to watch her yawn and suck her thumb. It was a wonderful experience!”
Veterans Memorial Hospital ultrasound services are now available five days a week. Mike Larson, ultrasonographer, was recently hired on at the hospital full time. “This new technology is very neat for the mothers,” said Larson. “They really oooh and ahhh over it. The grandparents have even shared in the fun and I have heard them state, ‘This is the neatest thing since sliced bread!’ I am honored I get to see the patient reactions to this new detailed ultrasound. It’s a very neat added feature to an already very exciting time of expecting a baby.”
Larson has been providing ultrasound services to the patients of Veterans Memorial Hospital and many of the surrounding hospitals for nearly 30 years, but now is employed solely by Veterans Memorial Hospital. “I have worked at Veterans Memorial Hospital as an outside contracted service, and of all the different hospitals in the area I have covered, Veterans Memorial Hospital is by far the best. I am happy to be here now full time.”
The Veterans Memorial Hospital radiology staff looks forward to meeting the ultrasound needs of local patients, right here at home.