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Home ›Lansing City Council to review 2017 budget figures in effort to avoid levy increase
by B.J. Tomlinson
The Lansing City Council met in its regular session Monday night at 7 p.m. after holding a special meeting at 6 p.m. to interview an applicant for the Public Works Assistant position. Mayor pro-tem Rebecca Conway presided over the meeting. The Council voted to hire Pete McKee for the position, pending results of a drug test and background check. McKee will start as soon as possible.
Lansing Fire Chief Tony Becker presented further information concerning the new fire equipment that was discussed last month to replace the aging equipment currently used by the department. Becker said two vendors had submitted quotes and conducted demonstrations. After review, the Fire Department recommended a purchase be made from Sandry Fire Equipment. The City is responsible for half the cost of the equipment, $52,795.44, and the other half will come from the Rural Fire Board. Chief Becker has applied for two different grants, one for $20,000 from the Allamakee County Community Foundation, and another from the Alliant Foundation for $5,000. The equipment will be purchased now through a loan at Kerndt Brothers Bank, combining it with a current loan and extending payments. Additional payments will be applied to the loan as grant funds are received.
The Council discussed hiring an engineering consultant for the upcoming South Road Bridge Project. Council members had previously heard presentations from three engineering firms. Based on past experience and adherence to timeline and requests, the Council selected iiW, an engineering firm from Dubuque. iiW will prepare and deliver a proposal and estimate according to the established timeline.
Lansing Police Chief Ed Stahl reported several issues with one of the squad cars. He also said the training for Officer Luke Inglett would need to be postponed from March until August because necessary materials did not arrive in time. Council members reported several complaints about snowmobiles driving recklessly in town and asked what could be done. Stahl said violators will be issued citations for careless driving and noise if someone files a formal written complaint. Mayor Pro-tem Conway said that could be arranged.
The Fiscal Year 2017 Budget hearing was set for Monday, March 7 at the regular City Council meeting. Lansing City Clerk Katie Becker said the tax levy rate would raise by $1.00 per thousand. Councilman Don Peters wondered if the budget could be cut so that a tax increase would not be necessary again this year, stating the rate rose $1.61 last year. The other Council members agreed to take another look and try to cut the budget by approximately $40,000-45,000. Special budget meetings were scheduled for this Wednesday at 5 p.m. and Monday, February 22 at 6 p.m.
In other business, the Council reviewed and approved three plat surveys, including #868 for Carl and Diane Clancy, and #869 and #870 for Kevin Sterk. The Council also approved Resolution #867, naming Kerndt Brothers Bank as depository for City funds, and Resolution #871 for the FY2017 Budget.