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Home ›WHS volunteers share videography skills with East Kids Club
For the past three months, Waukon High School students Megan O'Neill and Michaela Dehli (far left and far right, respectively, on each end of back row above) have been volunteering with a group of students attending the East Elementary after school program, Kids Club. These girls have taken a group and shown them how to use cameras that were purchased by the 21st Century program grant previously. The students had creative experiences through writing scripts regarding such issues as bullying and other issues on the minds of kids today. They learned how to be directors, producers, actors and then were shown how to put these creations into a program where they were able to edit. These students hosted several family nights as well as gave a presentation at a Partnership Meeting to show parents and other community partners their productions. "The hours of dedication and enthusiasm that these high school volunteers brought twice weekly with them was amazing," said East Elementary School Kids Club Coordinator Deb Kubitz. "We also have several other students, parents and community members who come in to volunteer and we are so grateful to them." Anyone interested in volunteering at East Kids Club is encouraged to contact Deb Kubitz at 563-568-7862. Any of the other after school sites, which range from kindergarten to high school, would welcome volunteers as well. Submitted photo.