Letter to the Editor: A taxing issue

To the Editor:
Taxes! How much is enough or too much? It seems that every time we turn around we’re subtly and incrementally taxed a little more. So many of our elected officials and representatives seem addicted and callused to using OPM (Other People’s Money).
To appreciate the great extent of governmental debt is nearly unfathomable.  There’s no place better or more fitting to start acting with conscience and fiscal responsibility than right here at home. Whether it’s balancing our own checkbooks or monitoring our county’s spending, it’s our duty and right as taxpaying citizens to speak up.
An example of what has been and what may be coming is how our Board of Supervisors represents the taxpayers, re: funding for the Driftless Area Education and Visitor Center in Lansing. In 2014 they allocated $100,000 to the Conservation Board for work on that project. As recently as January of this year they have been approached by the Conservation Board for another $100,000 plus $158,000 of our road use tax proceeds.
After a little checking of past Conservation Board and County Board minutes, it’s evident that considerably more tax and grant money has subtly been spent on the Center these past years.  Their actions may be legal but are they ethical? Do they represent us or are there personal interests and lofty legacy goals tangled up in the decision making process?
Let your supervisors know what you think. Attend the Monday morning supervisors meetings and speak your mind or call them. They’re in the phonebook.

Betty Larsen