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Home ›Letter to the Editor: Spend transparently and responsibly
To the Editor:
Bill #2345 has passed through the Iowa House of Representatives. It seems the intent of this bill is to assure that gasoline taxes collected at Iowa pumps are spent as intended, for our roads and bridges. In part, it says:
“An act requiring annual reports by county engineers on the use of road tax fund moneys to replace or repair structurally deficient bridges under county jurisdiction. The engineer of each county shall certify and file a report detailing the manner in which moneys received by the county from the road use tax fund were used to replace or repair structurally deficient bridges under county jurisdiction.”
This might be our elected legislatures attempt to follow through with making certain that the Iowa fuel tax law’s “windfalls” are allocated properly at the county level. Please join me in urging our county engineer and elected board of supervisors to spend transparently and responsibly.
Gene Averhoff