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Please meditate on the following scriptures: Isaiah 50:4-7; Philippians 2:6-11; Luke 22:14-23.
What is victory? What is defeat? What makes somebody a winner? And somebody else a loser?
One day, not too long ago, I went to a semi-pro basketball game and I saw a big, tough basketball player come off the floor and in anger shove a manager who was offering him a towel, back up against the bench and over on his behind. I was disgusted. The big, tough basketball player was not a winner. He was a pitiful loser.
Outward appearances do not tell the story. The biggest person, or the person with the biggest mouth, is not necessarily the winner, even though he may look like it at the moment.
Jesus Christ sure looks like a loser in the gospel that I asked you to pray over. Did you hear what they did to him? They spit in his face, they slapped him around. One of his best friends sold him, and finally they crucified him.
Is he a loser? Sure looks like it. After all, everybody laughed at him.
How is it possible for any of us to ever be saved from eternal death? Only by faith in that loser, Jesus Christ.
What Jesus Christ did that day has accomplished what no hero, no giant, no bully, no macho man has ever been able to come close to doing. He saved humanity from total defeat. He made eternal life possible for us.
Jesus emptied himself and took the form of a slave. He humbled himself, obediently accepting death, even death on a cross.
For this reason, at the name of Jesus, every knee must bend, in the heavens, on the earth and under the earth, and every tongue must proclaim to the glory of God the Father: Jesus Christ is Lord!!
Could I ask a personal favor of you? Please get out your bible. Prayerfully read the Passion of Christ. Place a crucifix in front of you. Let the reality of his love sink deep into your mind and soul. Then peacefully say, thank you Jesus, thank you! Now I love you more than ever, you are truly the Lord of my life.
A blessed Easter to all! Please know that you are loved by an old priest.
Msgr. Ed Lechtenberg