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To the Editor:
It’s apparent that Allamakee County may be funding a major portion of the costs to construct the Driftless Area Education and Visitor Center in Lansing. Whether we like it or not, a substantial amount of our tax dollars are going to that project.
Although grants (some of which are supported by tax dollars) will cover a large portion of the costs and local business and personal donations will help, the final costs will outweigh the revenue in hand. Our supervisors have committed County financial support to build the Center by signing construction contracts last fall. This was before a good share of funding was secured.
Construction has begun and still there is a notable financial shortfall. What incentive is there for the fundraisers to proceed with their duty if the County has guaranteed financing?
And there’s another elephant in the room. How much will the annual costs to us taxpayers be to operate, support employee payroll and benefits, and maintain it from now on? All questions that should have been addressed before our elected officials, boards and committees approached signing any commitments to this dream.
The gravel roads in our area are in great need of rock. We were told that the 10 cent a gallon of gas tax increase would be used to maintain our roads and bridges. When is this going to happen?
The closest road to us is resembling a dirt/field road. It is sad we don’t have funds to improve something like that.
Kathy Kruse