Run through Iowa to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society includes stop in Waukon April 19

Ryan Wade ...
Ryan Wade ...

by Susan Cantine-Maxson

Feel like a good run to help a good cause? Then join Ryan Wade as he runs through Iowa from north to south on a journey of 250 miles to earn funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS).

Wade's goal is to raise $175,000 on his seven-day run through Iowa, called “One Step at a Time.” These monies will help to fund blood cancer research.

Wade, who lives and works in Iowa City, will begin his journey at the Iowa/Minnesota border at Eitzen, MN and will be running through Waukon Tuesday, April 19. He will be stopping at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Waukon at 10 a.m. for a blessing and then will proceed through town, stopping again at the Waukon Chamber of Commerce office at 10:15 a.m. There will be an RV and tables set up at the Chamber office, 101 West Main Street, for people to greet Wade and to donate to the cause. That stop would also be a good place to join him in continuing his run, as he continues toward Luana and further south through Iowa.

Wade encourages anyone who wants to join him to feel free to do so, either through running, walking, pushing a stroller, biking or any other form of movement. He hopes to have people join him on each leg of his journey. Wade stated, “You don’t need to be in great shape. You can just do a block if you want. We just want to show support for all those who are suffering from this disease.”

He hopes to have up to 1,000 people join him when he goes through Iowa City and Cedar Rapids, since that is his home turf. In smaller towns, he thinks 10-100 people may join him. He hopes that people will come to talk to him.

He stated, “If people want to visit for an hour, we’ll visit for an hour. If it takes me four hours to get through Waukon, we’ll take four hours. I’m always willing to talk to people. This is an important cause. We all know someone who has been affected by cancer.”

His running route is on his Facebook page, as are links to donate to his cause. Those who wish to donate may go to  or visit

Businesses which would like to sponsor him and have banners displaying their names on the RV accompanying him on his journey may contact him through the Facebook pages as well or through his e-mail: Individuals do not need to be members of Facebook in order to access these pages.

There are three ways to make donations: pledge per mile for the 250-mile run, donate in honor or memory of a person, or simply make a donation. All of these can be done through the internet sites or at the Chamber offices where Ryan will be stopping along the route.

Wade explained that his quest began several months ago when he was nominated to be one of four men of the year for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. This is an annual fundraising project for the group. Each year the organization nominates four men and four women in eastern Iowa, as well as eight individuals in western Iowa. These individuals then embark on fundraising efforts. The persons who raise the most money receive the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Man and Woman of the Year honors.

Although Wade is doing smaller fund raising events, his main focus for funds is on his run through Iowa. He ran in high school but had given it up for several years. About nine years ago, he began running again. He enjoys endurance running and has practiced for this 250-mile run by running three or four marathon runs a week.

He stated, “It will be mentally challenging as well as physically challenging. I hope to average about 35 miles a day, rain or shine. Cancer patients don’t get to chose what happens to them, so I’m not going to let bad weather slow me down either.”

Wade concluded: "Please join me in supporting The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) by making a donation to my “One Step at a Time” fundraising campaign. This goal will help achieve the overarching mission of LLS - cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. LLS exists to find cures and ensure access to treatments for blood cancer patients.

"Every dollar raised counts and our efforts will help fund the therapies and treatments that save lives. There will be many opportunities to show your support through events in the community. All donations are greatly appreciated and tax deductible. On behalf of those touched by blood cancer, including patients, care providers, family and friends, we appreciate your support! Together we can accomplish so much - one step at a time."

For more information about the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS), visit