Three days and three nights

To the Editor:

About two thousand years ago, a man whom everybody nowadays calls Jesus was nailed to a cross and died there. Three days and nights later, He rose from being dead. Forty days later, He ascended into Heaven and was seated by His, your and my Heavenly Father. Here is what took place that week that he was murdered.

Some time before Tuesday evening, Yahshua, better known as Jesus today, told His disciples where He wanted to eat the Passover with them. Not Easter, as Easter is the sun worship of false gods. At that last supper after sunset Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning (biblical day starts and ends at sundown, not midnight), Yahshua told His disciples He would suffer and a short time later told Judas to go.

After eating, they all went to the Garden of Gethsemane where Yahshua spent some time in intense prayer and then was arrested, taken to court and was condemned to die by crucifixion. He was nailed to the cross at 9 a.m. and hung there until 3 p.m. and died. He and the other two had to be taken off their crosses before sundown, because after sundown started the feast of unleavened bread, the high Sabbath that would be Wednesday evening/Thursday morning. That is the first night Yahshua was in the earth. Thursday evening/Friday morning the three women prepared spices to anoint Yahshua’s body with.

Friday is preparation day for the weekly Sabbath, which is the seventh day. He has now been in the earth two nights, and with preparation day ending, He will have been in the earth almost three days. Saturday afternoon would finish three days and three nights in the earth, as He said it would be seventy-two hours He was there.

About 6 or 7 a.m. Sunday morning, the women went to the sepulcher only to be told by a couple of angels that Yahshua had risen from the dead and was gone. No Easter sunrise service there. So, why are the churches teaching crucifixion on Friday and Yahshua rising from the dead Sunday morning? That is two nights and one day in the earth.

So, who is the liar? The ninth of the Ten Commandments read as follows, “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” This commandment is found in Exodus twenty, thirty-one and thirty-two, and also Deuteronomy five. Our God wrote that one and nine others in stone with His finger. We are to celebrate Passover, not Easter.

With love in our
Savior, Yahshua
Nanferd and Judy Felke