EACSD School Board advised of changes planned in school supply purchases, summer school program

by Susan Cantine-Maxson

The regular monthly Eastern Allamakee Community School District (EACSD) Board of Directors meeting was held Monday, May 16 at Kee High School in Lansing. Board members Bruce Palmborg, Bobbie Goetzinger, Kelli Mudderman, Melanie Mauss and Board President Heather Schulte were present, along with Board Secretary/Business Manager Marian Verdon, Kee High School and Middle School Principal Mary Hogan, New Albin Elementary School Principal Chad Steckel and Superintendent Dr. Dale Crozier.
The initial item on the agenda included approval of the 2015-2016 budget amendment which allows the budget to cover additional revenues and expenditures not covered in the original budget. Public comments were called for but none were given. The normal and customary authorizations were approved.

The business of the Board included approving the following items:
• 2015-16 budget amendment
• Keystone Information Technology Contract Agreement
• Contract for Valerie Meyer as an Assistant Softball Coach
• Resignation of Brea Baxter, grades 5-8 Special Education, Language Arts
• Authorization to accept bids for propane
• Remove Board Policy 413.2 NC Early Separation (it is obsolete because of new agreements)
• George Lee amended Early Retirement Incentive Plan
• Superintendent Sharing Agreement with MFL/MarMac Community School District
• Insurance Premium Only Flex Plan Proposal.

Superintendent Crozier recommended that all the administrative and central office contracts receive an increase of 3.6% wages. The Superintendent’s salary is not included because his salary is paid by the MFL-Mar/Mac District and EACSD purchases his services from them. His salary will remain the same. He also recommended that the business managers receive full paid days for holidays rather than half a day. All contracts were approved, including the following:
• Mary Hogan, High School Principal
• Chad Steckel, Elementary School Principal
• Michele Martin, Superintendent Administrative Assistant
• Janet Heiderscheit, Business Manager
• Marian Verdon, Business Manager.

Principal Steckel reported that back to school purchases will be handled differently in order to simplify it for families. The district will ask each child for a $20 supply fee; then the school would purchase all supplies such as pencils, paper, crayons, folders, markers, etc. Students would supply their own book bags or other personalized equipment. This should save families money on school supplies. Steckel has done this at a previous school and it worked well. New Albin Improvement League has talked about using money from its annual Fun Run to help with those expenses, and there are other groups which would help offset some expenses for families who need assistance. Information will go out at the end of the school year.

Steckel explained the change in the district’s summer school program. Two teachers will meet 90 minutes twice a week all throughout the summer for the summer school program rather than in two-week blocks. The goal is to do reading and math throughout the summer. Transportation may be an issue, but they are working through those issues. The proposed change provides more of an ongoing program, which should help with student achievement.

New Albin Elementary School is wrapping up MAPP testing and completing State assessments. Preliminary data seems to indicate that the Teacher Leadership Compensation (TLC) program is making a big difference.

EACSD will have three representatives at the State Track Meet in Des Moines later this week. Katie Brennan, Kendra Cooper and Danny Brennan will represent the district in three events. Baseball and softball seasons are also starting.

Kee High School Principal Mary Hogan said that the school year is wrapping up. She reported that numerous field trips had been very beneficial, including the eighth grade trip to Des Moines and the senior trip to Washington, D.C. Some field trips have been sponsored by Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC), which has been very helpful with mentoring, job shadowing and career search programs.

Superintendent Crozier presented each school board member with a recognition certificate in honor of School Board Recognition Month. He said that he was pleased with the district’s financial situation comparing last year’s funding balance to this year’s balance at the same time of year. At this point, the net change is $188,000 more in revenue and $21,000 less in expenses. The school district has made reductions but it has not had to cut programs. Enrollment looks steady for next year.

Representatives of the MFL-Mar/Mac and the Eastern Allamakee Community School Districts met with Iowa Governor Terry Branstad last week at the MFL-Mar/Mac District. Governor Branstad was interested in learning about the utilization of the TLC (Teacher Leadership Compensation) program. Both districts explained how the they were successfully using the program. The session stressed how the grant is working to improve student achievement.