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Home ›Increases in fees for upcoming school year, number of personnel matters among items addressed by EACSD Board at regular session
by Susan Cantine-Maxson
The regular monthly Eastern Allamakee School District (EACSD) Board of Directors meeting was held Monday, June 20 at Kee High School. Board members Bruce Palmborg, Bobbie Goetzinger Melanie Mauss and Board President Heather Schulte were present, and board member Kelli Mudderman was absent. In addition, Board Secretary/Business Manager Janet Heiderscheit, New Albin Elementary Principal Chad Steckel and Superintendent Dr. Dale Crozier were present. Kee High School and Middle School Principal Mary Hogan was attending a technology conference in Dubuque, with Superintendent Crozier attending the following day and a total of six EACSD staff members attending the conference
President Schulte called the meeting to order. The normal and customary authorizations were approved: June consent items, minutes of May meetings, bills for June, Secretary’s Financial Statement, Activity and Food Service Report.
Approval was given to food service and registration fee increases in meal prices (for PK-12th grade students, five cents for breakfast, 10 cents for lunch and cents for extra milk; for adults, five cents for both breakfast and lunch). Book, registration fees will increase to $40 for grades K-5 students, and grades 6-12 students will increase to $50. Student Activity tickets will increase to $40 and Adult Activity Tickets will increase to $60.
Drivers Education fees will increase to $250, with the actual cost noted as approximately $400 per student. It was explained that EACSD is one of the lowest schools in the area for those fees.
Principal Steckel presented a plan for elementary students to have a limited school supply list which should cost families less than $15. New Albin Improvement League (NAIL) and area churches will supplement additional costs for the elementary supplies.
Approval was also given to the bid by Fauser Energy for LP gas at a rate of $.838 per gallon, as well as a calendar change moving the Kee High School Commencement date to May 7. A 28E Agreement with Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC) for concurrent courses was also approved, as was the Benefit Compliance Program Subscription Agreement with Mark J. Becker & Associates, which handles the compliance with Affordable Care Act, at a cost of $1500 for a year.
An overnight trip for the Kee softball team was approved for the Don Bosco Tournament coming up July 1-2. The school pays for one coach's room and the transportation, while the players pay for their own rooms.
Under personnel items, the following resignations were approved: the resignations of Sandy Darling and Melissa Cota from their Teacher Aide positions; the resignation of Sona Ellis and Danyce Jacobs from their junior high volleyball coaching positions; and the resignation of Tiffanie Peter from her junior high girls basketball coaching position, dependent on finding a suitable replacement.
The following hiring were also approved: contract for Danyce Jacobs as varsity volleyball coach; contract for Susanne Herman as junior high volleyball coach; contracts for Elissa Strobel and Kris Darling as Teacher Aides, and contracts for Teacher Leadership and Compensation (TLC) Model Teachers.
Discussion took place in regard to a donation from Main Street Matters for construction of a new sidewalk in front of the Old Stone School. Next year is the 150-year anniversary of the Lansing community, and the History Committee established for the event will be using a first floor classroom in the northwest corner of the Old Stone School.
The City owns the school, but the district owns the land. It was advised that the property needs to be made accessible so Main Street Lansing wants to pay for the construction of the sidewalk on the school property. The sidewalk would go to the steps of the Old Stone School building. The school district will then be responsible for the upkeep of the sidewalk and it will be covered by the school's insurance.
The Fiscal Year 2015 Audit was approved and placed on file. Authorization was also approved to issue bids for milk and bread and to pay bills through June 30, 2016.
Under Administrative Reports, Activities Director Chad Steckel said the softball complex project in New Albin is finished. He also advised that Kee High School will host district baseball games at 5 and 7 p.m. July 12. In addition, the district will also host several postseason softball games in New Albin.
Steckel further advised that the elementary school custodial crew is finishing up its work in New Albin, and that July 7 there will be a job fair at Kee High School primarily for the Blumenthal work force from 3-7 p.m.
Steckel updated the Board on the summer school session, saying it is going very well and that the change in format to the 90 minutes twice a week is encouraging. Approximately 12 students are in the program. He further advised that the district's four-year-old classroom will have 19 students this fall, and that the three-year-old program has 28 students.