Letter to the Editor: Find candidates that support the Trust Fund

To the Editor:

Floods.  Destruction.  Despair.

It has to stop. There are candidates running for re-election/election that support the Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund legislation focused on improving water quality and reducing flooding. This fund would help implement the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy on a voluntary basis. Approximately 60% of this funding could go to this type of water quality protection. It’s time to fund the Trust.

Landowners in the Bear Creek watershed near Highlandville saw the rewards of the investments of soil and water conservation projects during this last storm event.  Terraces, ponds, wetlands, filterstrips and CRP grasslands all helped slow run-off and reduce destructive forces to our land, streams, roads and bridges. And it reduced despair...

My heart is sincerely with the affected residents in Decorah, Freeport, Spillville, Elkader, and on and on. My thoughts are with the landowners who experienced crop devastation in stream and river corridors.

As a landowner and citizen of northeast Iowa,  I ask you to consider voting for the candidates that support flood reduction and improved water quality by funding the Trust. A Conservation Meet and Greet is scheduled for Wednesday, September 14 from 6:00 to 7:30 at Whalen Cabin next to Phelps Park in Decorah.

Mark your calendar. It’s time to slow the flooding.

Terry Haindfield