Letter to the Editor: Put civility back into our democracy

To the Editor:

I’m struggling this election season to keep a positive spirit. Politicians have decided campaigns are won by trashing one’s opponent rather than practical proposals.

This seems less so for local contests where we know the candidates personally. For me, that seems a happier place to focus my patriotism. However, even here I get brochures with one side depicting a candidate in glorious smiling Technicolor, flags waving in the background. On the opposite side, the opponent’s picture in sour macabre smudged grays complete with nasty warnings.

If you get one of those campaign advertisements, beware. If you believe either side, you are being manipulated. Often such brochures are produced by a state party or some political action special interest group. This might urge you to vote the maligned candidate as having the most integrity.

I saw such a brochure the other day that was wholly smudged pictures by the candidate’s opponent party with not even a promotion of that party’s own candidate. Our political system has hit an historic low. Part of the problem is the amount of big money buying our government.

Citizens need to put civility back into our democracy. What better state for that to happen in than Iowa.

Rev. James Dale