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Home ›Allamakee Ecumenical Choir to celebrate its 40th annual “Christmas Festival of Lessons and Carols” Sunday
The Allamakee Ecumenical Choir is celebrating the 40th anniversary of its "Christmas Festival of Lessons and Carols" service this Sunday, December 11 at 7 p.m. at St. John's Lutheran Church, located at 8 Fifth Street SW in Waukon. The program is prepared and directed by James Bieber. The public is invited to attend and share in this community celebration of Christmas.
The idea of a community choir was conceived through conversations between Monsignor Frederic Heles of St. Patrick Catholic Church and James Bieber, Director of Music and Organist at St. John's Lutheran Church in Waukon. They became friends through their mutual interests in fine arts and classical music. During their visits, Monsignor Heles often lamented about not hearing the beautiful Latin Gregorian Chant music in the Catholic masses (worship services) since Latin was eliminated by the Vatican II Council several years earlier.
Wanting to bring some joy to his friend and to satisfy his own musical desires, Bieber suggested that if Msgr. Heles would provide the church, he would organize a community choir and present concerts of major sacred choral music. Some of the music would include Latin Concert Masses by composers like Schubert, Charpentier and Vivaldi, as well as J.S. Bach and Dietrich Buxtehude Cantatas, all done with string chamber orchestras from Luther College, Decorah.
In the winter of 1977-78 the first concert was presented at St. Patrick's featuring Schubert's Concert Mass in G with orchestra and featuring soprano soloist Julie Bieber. Over the years, concerts featured numerous other local artists such as Al Leathers-baritone, Russ Hagen-tenor, Vickie Larson-soprano, and many other young home-grown talents including Marcie Hagen-soprano, Kristen Wonderlich-soprano and Jeff Bieber-tenor. A number of local youth who have sung in the choirs over the years eventually went on to become music teachers in schools, such as Jeff Bieber, Tim Lund, Joel Hagen, Erin Torkelson Bunge and Sarah Bieber Palmer. Marcie Hagen and Kristen Wonderlich became college music professors.
Early on, the concerts expanded to include the St. John's Lutheran Church Handbell Choir, children's choir, and opportunities for women's and men's choirs to sing selections. The use of a centuries-old Lessons and Carols format brought together area clergy from various denominations joining in one church using the same lectern and sharing the reading of scripture telling the Christmas Story.
"This was a somewhat new concept for the community to experience 40 years ago, but it has become readily accepted and brought the community together," Jim Bieber reflected, noting that the event has gone far beyond just the music performed. "Some long-time choir members have said they look forward to the beginning of the eight-week rehearsal preparation time each year as an opportunity to meet new people and greet others they otherwise have not had contact with since the previous concert. Over the years there have been scores of members in the choirs who have given countless hours of their time, apart from their families, in preparing for the concerts during an already busy season of the year."
Bieber appreciates the many choir members and talented musicians who live in the local community and surrounding area. "I'm thankful for their willingness to share their time and talents both for their own enjoyment and fulfillment, and for the enjoyment of others as well," he said. "I am also thankful for the opportunity to be the facilitator and provide a setting for area musicians to perform in a venue otherwise unavailable to them in a community this size. It has been gratifying to be able to expose our local children to the opportunity to see, hear and perform up close with string instruments and occasionally a harp. Hopefully, broadening their musical experiences will inspire and encourage them to continue being involved in music throughout their lives."
Bieber noted that it was the very gifted and dedicated teachers like piano teacher Sister Anita at St. Patrick's School and Waukon High School vocal music teacher Christine Bissell who inspired him to continue his musical education. He says that in honor of his teachers and the support and encouragement by the community during his youth, directing the Ecumenical Choir now has provided him the opportunity to "give back" to the community and say "thank you" to all who over the years have participated in and supported the choir.