Letter to the Editor: The whining is almost deafening

To the Editor:

I am responding to the editorial of November 30 written by Benjamin Ross of Waukon.

Mr. Ross started his editorial suggesting that we should accept the results of the presidential election and move on. Then he launches a diatribe that has little basis in fact, but is long on opinion.

Mr. Ross has obviously not listened to any of what president-elect Trump has said about what his plans are for the first 100 days of his administration. If he were to listen he would know that Mr. Trump has a very ambitious plan which includes cutting taxes, repealing Obama Care, getting rid of onerous regulations that stifle business, repatriating trillions of dollars that are currently offshore due to regulations and taxes imposed by the current administration, and a wide ranging plan for improving our infrastructure. And he will reform and enforce immigration policies which are costing us billions of dollars. Look at how the stock market has responded to the election!

Instead, Mr. Ross chose to belittle the president-elect - apparently taking prompts from the main stream media. He criticizes Mr. Trump personally and his choice for National Security Adviser, who had a brilliant career leading the Defense Intelligence Agency. The General was forced out because he would not write intelligence briefs that fit the preconceived idea from the White House of what the briefs should say to fit the narrative the administration wanted the whole world to believe. All of the nominations for the cabinet are for individuals who are outstanding in their respective fields. Is that not refreshing for a change?

And, fortunately, there are not too many among them whose only accomplishment was to be a professional politician. I have never seen such a talented field of individuals who will manage the affairs of this nation for the next few years. Mr. Ross should be thankful for the choices already made. And is it not refreshing that we will not have any more czars in the white house?

I believe Mr. Ross does not understand how many jobs were lost due to NAFTA, nor does he understand how bad the TTP would have been for us. Mr. Trump is a negotiator and leader who will surround himself with exceptional people who will help him make the right decisions.

Mr. Ross complains about the distribution of wealth in the country. This country was not made great by the government taking from the wealthy and giving to the less wealthy. He has apparently bought the arguments put forth the past four years by President Obama and Hillary Clinton, who have been promoting class warfare and the idea that we should, indeed, have the government in charge of redistribution of wealth. I am sure Lenin and Marx would applaud Mr. Ross’ comments.

Mr. Trump has never stated that he would impose a 45% tariff on anything from China. He has made it clear that there is a new sheriff in town who will renegotiate deals we already have with China and probably force them to stop currency manipulation which tilts all deals in China’s favor.

Mr. Trump is moving quickly on his promise to “Make America Great Again” and I would hope that Mr. Ross and all like-minded thinkers would be happy that we will be great again, despite the whining coming from the left.

Lowell L. Engle
Harpers Ferry