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Saturday Clover Kids are cleaning the earth one penny at a time. At their February 18 Clover Kids session, youth experimented with salt and vinegar as a cleaning solution. When they mixed the two ingredients together, not much happened, but after adding a dirty penny they watched it begin to shine before their eyes. Clover Kids learned that because water is recycled through the water cycle, humans can help keep it clean by using natural cleaning products at home. Next, the youth learned that flyways are like highways for migrating birds. Flyways provide food, shelter, water and resting places but during their journey birds can also face many obstacles. Youth became migrating birds and tried to fly south without running into one of those obstacles, such as a storm, hunter or fog (pictured above). Eventually, the birds ran into more developing cities and therefore had habitat destruction and lack of food which caused many of them to not make it to their destination. Afterwards, the Clover Kids discussed which obstacles they thought could be removed or made less harmful as part of human efforts of conservation. To end the meeting, the youth used their team building skills to complete a variety of activities with a parachute (pictured below). For more information about 4-H and upcoming activities contact Becky Rea at the Allamakee County Extension and Outreach Office at 563-568-6345 or Submitted photos.