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Kee High School’s Post Prom was held Sunday, April 23 from midnight until 4 a.m. Guests played table games and other challenging activities using play money. The raffle and silent auction prize packages were also popular with the guests. Special entertainment was provided by hypnotist Blake Powers from Wand Enterprises. Door prizes were awarded throughout the evening and everyone drew a number to win a prize package at the end of the event. A special drawing was held and the Guest grand prize (Garmin Vivofit) was won by Drew Gaunitz (pictured at left above). The Kee junior student grand prize (Sylvania DVD player) was won by Ian Sickles (pictured in center above) and the Kee senior student grand prize (Samsung TV) was won by Clayton Eubanks (pictured at right above). Everyone attending was given an opportunity to guess the number of candies in a jar and Allison Colsch (pictured at right) won $100 for guessing closest to the actual number. Everyone who stayed for the entire event was given $5 in Lansing Downtown Dollars. Submitted photos.