Letter to the Editor: In response to Sue Fry Vonderohe’s letter

To the Editor:

I would like to thank Sue Fry Vonderohe of New Albin for the insightful letter to the editor April 26, 2017. The letter was spot on in every aspect.

I began my education in a similar manner and highly value everything that was taught in the one-room school, especially the love for country, the flag and the Constitution. I hope and pray that all our local schools are trying to instill those values.

I especially noted her comment on the Gettysburg Address and remember that for many years of my life it was recited during Memorial Day celebrations. I think it is a pity that it is now ignored.

I could not agree more with Sue on her remarks on why anyone would want to change the Constitution as it now stands. We have more freedom than any other nation in the world. Yet, there are those who would take away some of those freedoms as part of their “progressive movement.” The only change we really need in the government right now is term limits for all congressmen and senators. If we can have limits for the presidency, then we need the same kind of limits for our elected representatives. Enough with professional politicians.

Lowell L. Engle
Harpers Ferry