Word for Word 6/14/17

Robin and Steve Oden
Robin and Steve Oden

Do you have peace?

Peace is something most people desire, but few really experience the peace God desires for us. The dictionary defines peace as: freedom from war, a treaty to end war, freedom from public disturbance, law and order, freedom from disagreement or quarrels, undisturbed state of mind, absence of mental conflict, serenity and calm. So, the realm of peace covers the gamut from peace in our own hearts and minds, to peace in our homes and relationships, to peace in our neighborhoods and cities, to peace among nations.

Most people are searching for peace, vainly attempting to find it in diverse ways and places. With everything going on in the world today, one may wonder if a person can even experience peace within themselves to wondering if there will ever be a realistic roadmap to peace in the Middle East.

Our wonderful God, Creator and Savior has not left us to fend for ourselves in this life. Jesus Christ has many titles, each of which describes an aspect of Who He is. Examples would be Wonderful Counselor, King of Kings, the Desire of All Nations, the Good Shepherd, the Lamb of God. Today we want to look at Jesus as the “Prince of Peace.” God and His Word have much to teach us about peace, it being one of our greatest needs. In fact, when Jesus was born that holy night 2,000 years ago, the angels declared in song, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, PEACE, goodwill toward men.” Peace had come.

What does the peace of God mean to us and ultimately the world? Peace in this world starts with each individual, one person at a time.

One of the definitions mentioned above is undisturbed state of mind, absence of mental conflict, serenity.  Does this describe you? The Bible teaches us that we’re all sinners. Our sins (disobedience to God) separate us from God, therefore our relationship with Him is severed.

Spiritually speaking,  we’re dead in our sins and alienated from God. This spiritual “lostness” and guilt of unforgiven sins subjects us to a constant inner turmoil whether we realize and recognize it or not. There’s only on thing that can remedy both of these problems, for they go hand in hand.

Hebrews 9:22 teaches us that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin. Why?  Because sin results in death, so to be “saved” from this eternal death, something innocent and living has to give its very life blood as a substitution to take our place to cover and make payment for the guilt of our wrongdoings. God covered Adam and Eve after their sin with the skins of sacrificed anmimals. In the Old Testament times certain unblemished animals were offered and killed as sacrifices. These animal sacrifices all pointed to the ultimate sacrifice- Jesus Christ- the Lamb of God who died on the cross for our sins. He took our place for the guilt and punishment of our sins so that we could be forgiven and go free! Free to be able to walk with and enjoy God and be with Him forever.

Colossians 1:20 “In Him (Jesus) we are reconciled  back to God having made PEACE through the blood of His cross.” We need to respond in faith and repentance to this forgivenss that God offers us through His Son. By this decision we become at peace with God and ourselves,  being forgiven and released from guilt and condemnation ( a sentence to eternal hell). Inner turmoil gives way to peace within.  Until we take this step, we can’t experience and enjoy the peace that God has for us.

When we come to peace with God and subsequently ourselves, it then prepares and enables us to live at peace with others. Peace is one of the fruit of the Spirit that is deposited in us when we receive Christ. As our inner person is changed by the peace of God, our interactions with others should and will change. Jesus has  called us to be peacemakers. Our lives, marriages, families and all those in our spheres of influence will be positively affected by this peace. Jesus always walked in peace even though He encountered much opposition. We can also walk in peace in a world of much uncertainty, trials, hardship and terror. My friend, if you’ve not made peace with God, I encourage you to do so today.

Pastor Steve & Robin Oden
New Life Christian Church