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Home ›Waukon City Council discusses Aveka noise and odor, variety of storm sewer matters and RAGBRAI® items
by Joe Moses
The Waukon City Council met in regular session Monday, June 19 to address a variety of matters, including the Spring Avenue spring leak, Aveka noise and smell concerns and Hairball’s pyrotechnics display during the Des Moines Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI®).
During Public Comments, Jesse Delaney of 403 Seventh Avenue SE in Waukon addressed the Council regarding the paving of his street. Delaney commented that his home is one of the few, if not only, homes on a gravel road within city limits. Delaney expressed interest in improving and paving his driveway and connecting it to a paved street in front of his property. The Council agreed to research and consider the matter.
Under Departmental Reports, Water and Sewer Superintendent Bob Campbell discussed trading in a Tool Cat which he has budgeted for with delivery after the new fiscal-year. Wellness and Recreation Director Jeremy Strub discussed that the Summer Recreation Program is up and running, advised that the swimming pool has had a good first month being open and provided updates on the concession stands.
Street Superintendent Keith Burrett discussed ordering a replacement snow blower which is an item budgeted for and that he would like to order wooden snow fence. Burrett also discussed a curb and gutter project and cement work and core-outs that have been completed.
Under Regular Business, the Outdoor Service Privilege for Dana Ruegnitz, Mulligan’s Grill Pub was moved from Licenses to first on the agenda. The Council discussed that the RAGBRAI ordinance allows for only one beer garden area and that this request would be in conflict with that ordinance, with re-applying outside of the RAGBRAI event dates as an option. The Council denied the request.
Pat Monroe with the Allamakee County Fair Board discussed the request for a sign on City property. Monroe explained that an LED sign was recently purchased from Echo Valley Speedway in West Union and that the Fair Board is seeking permission to use the sign. The Council approved the use of the sign on City property with placement in accordance to City code.
John Anderson with Aveka addressed the Council regarding the Aveka noise and smell agenda item. Anderson explained that he will be assuming the General Manager position at the Waukon facility and discussed the temporary sound curtain test and the results in decreasing the noise level. Anderson advised that a permanent sound barrier or wall would likely yield better results and that raising the smokestack from 55 feet to 85 feet would decrease the noise level and help decrease the odor produced by the facility’s operations. Anderson will continue to look into solutions and the possibility of extending the smokestack in a structurally safe manner.
Senior Project Manager Lyle TeKippe with Fehr-Graham Engineering discussed the storm sewer between Rossville Road and West Street. TeKippe advised that the storm sewer pipe may be in good condition but the joints are exposed or have a gap allowing moisture to carry soil into the pipe. TeKippe discussed several options including the wrapping of the joints to prevent soil from entering. The Council approved TeKippe moving forward on the suggested repairs.
TeKippe advised the Council about the storm sewer in the parking lot near Kurth Plumbing and Heating on First Avenue NW. The Council approved to have TeKippe get estimates for the section that is collapsing and another section that will likely need to be diverted.
TeKippe discussed the Spring Avenue spring leak, which is undermining the Waukon Greenhouse parking lot. TeKippe advised that there may be a way to divert the spring’s flow into the storm sewer. Campbell commented that this natural spring’s flow has increased with flood events in recent years. The Council approved to explore the situation further with a four-foot by four-foot cut into the pavement.
The Council approved the 2016 Trenched Storm Sewer final payment and letter of acceptance. The alley south of City Hall extending to East Main Street was discussed with the $23,500 bid from River City Paving being accepted for hot mix asphalt (HMA) paving.
Jan Sweeney addressed the Council regarding the Village Farm & Home Storm Water Utility agenda item. Sweeney discussed the usage of four septic tanks and that there is no run-off from the Village Farm & Home property going into the storm sewer and that despite this fact, the increased storm water utility is being paid. The Council agreed to further discuss the matter and add it to the next meeting agenda. No action was taken at this time.
Project Engineer Lucas Elsbernd with Fehr-Graham Engineering provided an overview of Fehr-Graham’s recommendations for a new sewer plant for the City of Waukon. Discussion of that matter will continue.
The manhole cover at Park Place Court was discussed by the Council, which agreed to move forward with moving the manhole cover from the driveway of the home to the street, with costs to be reimbursed by Waukon Economic Development Corporation (WEDC).
Coordinator Ardie Kuhse with WEDC provided an update on RAGBRAI. Kuhse indicated that representatives of RAGBRAI recently conducted a walk-through of the town and were impressed. Kuhse also discussed the June 9 pre-ride that was conducted and hosting those riders in Waukon.
Waukon Ride Right Committee Chairperson Sheila Mellick added to the RAGBRAI discussion and advised that repairing cracks and potholes is important in the street or arteries leading to the various camping areas across town. Burrett discussed the ongoing patching and street repairs. Kuhse mentioned the June 28 RAGBRAI meeting at Iron Ridge Church at 6 p.m. that is open to the public.
The Hairball pyrotechnics display to be part of the RAGBRAI entertainment was discussed by the Council, with fire safety being a main concern. It was advised that Hairball performs its concerts in indoor arenas and venues with pyrotechnics without incident, but additional precautions may be taken for safety. The Council approved to require proof of insurance and an operator’s permit from the band’s management.
The Council approved the Waukon Chamber of Commerce’s requests for street closings for the Corn Days Parade and Corn Days Street Fair in mid-August. John Ellingson was approved to fill the vacancy on the Airport Board.
The second reading of the Ordinance increasing the Water Utility Service Rates and imposing an Infrastructure Fee was approved. The second reading of the Ordinance allowing ATV/UTV use on City Streets was approved with the third reading being waived and adoption approved, to go into effect July 1. The first reading of the Ordinance allowing registered Golf Carts on City Streets was also approved.
The first reading of the Ordinance changing parking on portions of Main Street to two hours between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. was approved with the second reading waived and adoption taking place. The first reading of the Ordinance regarding fireworks within the City was approved with the second reading being waived with adoption. Fireworks sales are allowed within City limits, but the use of fireworks is prohibited within City limits.
The Ordinance adding a City Manager and the Allamakee County Emergency Management Hazard Mitigation Planning agenda items were tabled for discussion at a later time. The City Manager employment agreement was discussed. The Council accepted the draft of the agreement and will be contacting an individual with an employment offer. The Council also approved the Indian Springs Pond Settlement.
The Resolution approving Police employee wage increases for July 1, 2017-June 30, 2018 in accordance with the Agreement between the City of Waukon Police Department and Chauffeurs, Teamsters and Helpers Local Union No. 238 was adopted and approved. The Resolution approving the Public Works employee wage increases for the period beginning July 1, 2017-June 30, 2018 in accordance with the Agreement between the City of Waukon Public Works and Chauffeurs, Teamsters and Helpers Local Union No. 238 was adopted and approved.
The Resolution approving salary, wages and benefits for department heads and non-union employees was discussed by the Council, with approval including a three percent increase.
Under Other Matters, Burrett discussed the vacancy in the Street Department and that eight applications have been received for the position.