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Home ›Supervisors wait on any changes to current ordinance regarding fireworks
by Joe Moses
The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Monday, June 26 to address a full agenda of items, including the need for a fireworks resolution or ordinance, the renewal of a Veterans Counselor's contract and bids for the County Line Bridge replacement on Ferris Mill Road. Chairperson Larry Schellhammer called the meeting to order.
During Public Comment, John Roe, head of maintenance at the Allamakee County Courthouse, discussed the retaining wall near the parking area by the Allamakee County Historical Society Museum. The Supervisors discussed the repair work needed and that Attorney Jim Garrett, President of the Allamakee County Historical Society, will be contacted and Allamakee County Auditor Denise Beyer will research the ownership of the retaining wall.
Executive Director Val Reinke with Allamakee County Economic Development discussed The Iowa Gallivant blogger Jay George, who recently traveled through Allamakee County on the Des Moines Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI@) route and provided positive reviews of the restaurants and retail establishments that were visited. Reinke also discussed the Eastern Iowa Tourism meeting to be held in Dubuque and Supervisor Dennis Koenig discussed the County Social Services (CSS) meeting to be hosted in Lansing.
The Supervisors moved on to the consideration of moving unused office cabinets, a desk and a chair to the Allamakee County Historical Society Museum from the former Sheriff's Department office space in the courthouse. Schellhammer advised that a metal desk, chair and file cabinets remain and that Treasurer Marcia Rush of the Allamakee County Historical Society has requested the items for the museum. Supervisor Dan Byrnes discussed that a list of items will need to be created and compared with the courthouse inventory. The Supervisors discussed with Roe that the museum will need to supply a few volunteers and the courthouse will do the same for the moving of these heavy desk and furniture items.
The two liquor license applications for Backpocket Brewing Company during RAGBRAI at 492 Bethlehem Drive and 905 Waterville Road in rural Allamakee County were discussed. Beyer presented maps illustrating the serving and consumption areas for both locations, which were provided by Backpocket Brewing. Beyer indicated that copies of the rental lease and applications were provided with the maps.
The Supervisors discussed the County right of way in those areas with Allamakee County Engineer Brian Ridenour and that temporary fencing will be necessary. The Supervisors agreed that updated maps illustrating the consumption and serving areas remaining outside of the County right of way will be necessary before approval. No action was taken at this time with further review planned for the next Supervisors meeting to be held Friday, June 30.
Allamakee County Zoning Administrator Tom Blake presented information regarding the plat request for John M. and Janice M. Rea, and advised the easement did not meet the six-foot wide standard, which Blake indicated he has discussed with the property owner and surveyor. Blake recommended tabling this matter until changes are made to the plat request and the Supervisors agreed. Blake presented information regarding the Robert A. and Kay E. Troendle and Patrick J. and Tara L. Reisinger plat request indicating that this agriculture exempt plat involves a three-acre parcel that is being surveyed off the property, with the Supervisors approving the plat request.
Allamakee County Attorney Jill Kistler was present for the discussion and consideration of the need for a fireworks resolution or ordinance. Kistler presented two versions of the County Ordinance No. LVII with one approving the use of consumer fireworks and the other prohibiting the use of consumer fireworks. Kistler discussed the Cerro Gordo County ordinance that includes information about the Iowa-Illinois Safety Council's June 2017 newsletter which cites 2013 data that eight fatalities, 11,400 injuries that require medical attention, 1,400 structure fires and 200 vehicle fires are caused by fireworks each year as justification for Cerro Gordo's county-wide fireworks ban.
The Supervisors and Kistler discussed consumer versus display fireworks and that any changes at the County level to limit fireworks beyond the State law would require public hearings before adoption, which would not be possible prior to the July 4 holiday due to the mandatory notice publication period. The Supervisors agreed to wait and evaluate the need for an ordinance in October.
Allamakee County Veterans Affairs Director Heather Homewood discussed the renewal of the Veterans Counselor contract for Greg Clark. Homewood advised that Clark will be reducing his schedule from three days to two days per month and presented the contract specifics for the period of July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Homewood discussed the counseling services provided, the upcoming newspaper articles that Clark is submitting relating to Veteran-related issues, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the upcoming insert in The Standard and Northeast Iowa Extra publications detailing the federal and state services offered to Veterans through the Veterans Affairs Office. The Veteran Counselor's contract was renewed with the approval of the Supervisors.
Ridenour discussed the contract and bond for concrete pavement patching by Skyline Construction of Decorah, with the bid of $61,221.99 having been previously approved by the Supervisors. The contract and bond were approved.
Ridenour also discussed the final payment voucher for Cedar Valley Corporation of Waterloo for concrete overlay completed on Cherry Valley Drive near Postville for the final amount of $2,378,688.83, which was approved by the Supervisors. Ridenour advised that this project received an Iowa Concrete Paving Association award and is possibly under consideration for a national award.
Ridenour discussed the agreement for Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT) traffic to use Allamakee County Road A44 Iron Mine Drive north of Waukon and Ninth Street X12 as a detour for Highways 9 and 76 for the Waukon Corn Days Parade 7-8:30 p.m. Friday, August 18 and the Waukon Corn Days Street Fair 2:30 p.m. Friday, August 18 through 12 a.m. Saturday, August 19. The Supervisors approved the detour route.
Ridenour discussed the bids received for the County Line Bridge replacement on Ferris Mill Road, with the Winneshiek County Board of Supervisors approving the low bid from Brennan Construction at $289,720.00. Ridenour indicated that half of the cost will be shared by Allamakee County for the necessary replacement project due to the wing that has fallen off and abutments that are tipping inward. The Supervisors approved the bridge replacement.
Under Department Head Updates, Ridenour and the Supervisors discussed recent watershed inspections. Ridenour advised that some of the mowing has fallen behind due to the part-time job vacancy not being filled. Ridenour indicated that no applications have been received for the part-time July-October position and that the work-release hours from the closed Luster Heights facility are missed.
Ridenour also discussed a recent meeting with RAGBRAI and the temporary detour signage that will be necessary for the event. Beyer discussed the end of the fiscal year and that the next Monday meeting for the Board of Supervisors will be held at the Meehan Memorial Lansing Public Library.