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The winner of the Veterans Memorial Hospital Health Care Foundation’s 24th Annual Benefit Golf Tournament held June 19 is team “Three Strikes and You’re Out” with a score of 57. Pictured, left to right, are team members Jim Strike, Aaron Strike and Rich Strike. The Foundation Golf Tournament is an annual event held in June at the Waukon Golf and Country Club. Submitted photo.
The 24th annual Veterans Memorial Health Care Foundation Golf Tournament was held Monday, June 19 at the Waukon Golf and Country Club. Twenty-nine teams of three participated in this tournament. Each team enjoyed 18 holes of golf plus lunch and dinner prepared by Rich Schulte, Marge and Bud Strike, and the Foundation Directors.
The Foundation gives credit for the success of this tournament to the many local businesses that provide great prizes so everyone participating wins. Plus, many businesses serving this area contribute as hole sponsors to the tournament making it an enjoyable, community-wide event.
The hole sponsors for this 24th annual event included: Access Systems, Athena Health, Avadyne Health (two holes), Coverys/MHA Insurance (two holes), Dalaco, EideBailey, Fairway Outdoor Advertising, Farmers and Merchants Savings Bank, Freedom Bank, Gundersen Waukon Clinic, Hartig Drug, Henkel Construction/Accord Architecture, Kerndt Brothers Savings Bank, LC Signs, LaMair-Mulock-Condon Company, Mayo Waukon Clinic, New Albin Savings Bank, RW Pladsen, Inc., Systems Equipment, Torkelson Motors of Waukon, Waukon Dental, Waukon Harley Davidson and Waukon State Bank.
This year, the numerous prizes were donated by the following individuals and businesses: Bud and Marge Strike, Carquest, Coverys/MHA Insurance, Cunningham Hardware, Dave’s Gus and Tony’s, Double D Liquors, Dr. Larry Barthel, Edward Jones, Elkader Golf and Country Club, Farm Bureau Insurance, Farmers & Merchants Savings Bank, Fiddler’s On the Green (Whalen’s), Fiesta Vallarta, German Farmers Mutual Insurance, Gordy’s Auto Body, Green Valley Getaway, Grinnell Mutual Insurance, Gundersen Health Waukon Clinic, Hacker Nelson & Co., Hausladen’s Auto Supply, Horsfall’s Lansing Variety, Houg Chiropractic, Jane Dietrich, Jet’s Meat Processing and Café, Jim’s Appliance, Kerndt Brothers Savings Bank, Krambeer Barber Shop, Kristi’s Stylesetter Salon, Larre’s Service and Repair, Leiran Auto Repair, MaCal Grove Country Club, Main Channel, Main Feature Theatre & Pizza, Mayo Waukon Clinic, McMillan Muffler, Milty’s, Mulligan’s Grill Pub, Norplex Micarta, Old Rossville Store, Oneota Golf & Country Club, Peterson’s Auto Repair, Red Geranium Floral and Gifts, Regi Tysland, S&D Café, S.E.W.-Linda Berger Mahr, Silvercrest Golf & Country Club, Stoney Creek Inn, Storey Kenworthy-Steve Duffy, Sycamore Floral, Sylvia Roffman, Systems Equipment, TriCity Golf & Country Club, UPS, Upper Iowa Insurance, Village Farm & Home-Lansing, Village Farm & Home-Waukon, Waukon City Club, Waukon Golf & Country Club, Waukon Greenhouse, Waukon Harley Davidson, Waukon State Bank, West Side Waukon Lumber, WW Homestead Dairy, Waukon Banquet Center, and Wings.
Special hole-in-one contests were sponsored by Farm Bureau Agents Wade Bucknell and Andy Moore, and also by Waukon Implement. Volunteers Kenny O’Hara and Rich Cota were witnesses for these contests.
Other special hole contests and winners included the following: Closest to Pin (Hole #9) was Aaron Strike; Longest Putt (Hole #3) was Jim Davis; Closest to the Pin in 2 (Hole #4) was Maury Mooney; and Longest Putt (Hole #7) was Rich Reiser.
Many other businesses and individuals pitched in to help with the food expenses and preparation, including Quillin’s Food Ranch, Casey’s, Kwik Star, Fareway, Bud and Marge Strike, Rich Schulte, and the entire Foundation Board.
The twenty-nine teams participating in the tournament consisted of three people each who played a best shot tournament. The winner of the Veterans Memorial Hospital Health Care Foundation’s 24th Annual Golf Tournament with a score of 57 was team “Three Strikes and You’re Out” consisting of Jim Strike, Aaron Strike and Rich Strike.
The Veterans Memorial Health Care Foundation, including Sue Blagsvedt, Breanna Bublitz, Dan Denk, Amy Coté, Jane Dietrich, Jackie Halverson, Kevin Hanson, Ardie Kuhse, Craig Lensing, Dennis Lyons, Gail Prestemon, Jeanette Ruegnitz, Nona Sawyer, Nancy Schoh and Matt Teslow, sponsors this annual golf tournament at the Waukon Golf and Country Club in June of each year.