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Home ›Allamakee County to participate in Iowa 99 County Bible Reading Marathon again this year

Allamakee County will be taking part in the 2017 Iowa 99 County Bible Reading Marathon once again this year, inviting people to read 30-minute or more segments of the Bible Thursday, July 6 throughout an 8 a.m.-8 p.m. timeframe. This is the second year Allamakee County has participated in the event, with some changes in location and longevity of the event taking place this year.
This year’s event for Allamakee County will take place at the Waukon City Park at the small shelter between the wooden playground and the ball diamond, a different setting than the Allamakee County Courthouse lawn used last year. The timeframe of this year’s event has been pared down from a three-day event to just a 12-hour format on a single day.
Those wanting to participate are asked to bring a Bible and a lawn chair to that Waukon City Park shelter house and local volunteers will meet them with a portion of the Bible to read aloud on their own in the park.
There is no need to sign up or reserve a time slot, as was requested last year. All ages are welcome to participate, including adults, children, senior citizens and students. All denominations are also welcome to participate.
Last year’s 2016 effort was the first year that the Bible was read aloud in every one of Iowa’s 99 counties. Thousands of people of all ages and every walk of life participated in these readings, which took place primarily at county courthouses.
This year, in order to include even more people, the Bible Marathon is “Taking It to the Cities,” with many counties expanding opportunities to read the Word of God, from Genesis to Revelation, in a variety of locations within each county. Anyone interested in assisting with the Marathon by reading portions of scripture at a site within their own community in Allamakee County are encouraged to contact any of the committee members listed below.
In Psalm 119:105, the Bible states, “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” It’s the goal of the Bible Marathon to bring this light of hope to all in Iowa and to the nation, as Iowa is situated in the heartland of America. Many Allamakee residents have shared how they were touched by last year’s marathon and their participation.
Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds has chosen to continue former Governor Terry Branstad’s support of this effort by, once again, signing a “Proclamation” for 2017. This Proclamation recognizes the history of biblical principles and the importance of its influence in the development of this nation by national leaders, and encourages Iowans to join in the 2017 Iowa 99 County Bible Reading Marathon, and in reading the Bible in their homes.
For more information about the Allamakee County marathon, contact Becky Kramer at 563-568-1542, Betty Larsen at 563-568-3285, Karen Teslow at 563-568-5529, Lynn Garnet at 563-419-5332 or Peggy Khan at 563-568-4707. More statewide information can be found at or by contacting Statewide Leader Dianne Bentley at 712-790-0598.