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Family of the late Karilyn Lenth recently commemorated her cherished time spent at the Waukon City Park, as well as her affection for cats, by donating a bench in her memory. The memorial bench, attractively engraved with feline images, is precisely located in one of Karilyn’s favorite spots, between the dam and ball diamond at the Waukon City Park, where she was able to look across the pond to the “Memory Garden.”
Family members say Karilyn relished the peaceful sound of rippling water, as well as the splendor of the “Memory Garden.” Karilyn was an avid reader, so spent many a day or lunch hour enjoying the City Park in her earlier years while living in Waukon. She moved to Florida in mid-life, but always treasured and reminisced of her time spent in the Waukon City Park, prompting the Lenth family to give back to the Park in her memory with the hope that others may discover the same appreciation and peace of mind which their sister, Karilyn, attained from her frequent visits to the Waukon City Park.
Pictured, left to right, are Waukon Park and Recreation Wellness Department Director Jeremy Strub, and Ellen and Verland Lenth of Waukon, sister-in-law and brother of Karilyn Lenth, standing behind the bench their family donated in her honor. Submitted photo.