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Home ›Waukon RAGBRAI Youth Art Contest winners awarded at town meeting

Willa Troendle ... Overall Grand Prize winner.

Madilyn Ottoway ... 2nd-3rd Grades winner.

Braelyn Zuercher ... Kindergarten-1st Grade winner.

Faith Cooper ... 4th-6th Grades winner. Not present for photo.
The Waukon RAGBRAI Youth Art Contest was held for local kindergarten through sixth grade students in conjunction with RAGBRAI's July 28 overnight visit to Waukon. The contest offered area youth the opportunity to use their creativity to make original artwork that reflects their impressions of RAGBRAI®. Winners in each of three different grade categories, along with an overall winner, were announced at the June 28 town meeting held at Iron Ridge Church in Waukon. Photos of those winning entries are pictured surrounding this article. One entry was chosen as the overall local winner and will now compete for a $350 prize in the Statewide RAGBRAI Art Contest. Willa Troendle, age nine, was selected as that overall local winner and will now compete against overall winners from each of the other overnight stop communities along this year's RAGBRAI route.
A winner was also chosen to receive a prize of art supplies in each of three local age groups. Those winners include: Braelyn Zuercher, Kindergarten-First Grade; Madilyn Ottaway, Second-Third Grades; and Faith Cooper, Fourth-Sixth Grades. Contest entries were to be no larger than 11"x14" in size and two-dimensional works of any art medium (paint, chalk, crayon, marker, etc.). All entries in the local contest will be displayed throughout downtown Waukon as part of the decorations for the Waukon RAGBRAI overnight visit scheduled for July 28.